首页> 中文期刊>中国畜牧兽医 >犬、猫钩端螺旋体病的流行病学调查




In order to investigate the infective situation of leptospirosis on dogs and cats, 20 pet disease monitoring sites were established in the Beijing area in 2011. 396 serum and urine samples of dogs and cats were collected at random for the investigation. Survey results showed that 106 antibody-positive samples in 200 serums by the microscope agglutination test, with positive rate of 53%. Among these positive samples, there were 20 derived from cats with positive rate of 27. 8% , and others were dog serums with positive rate of 67. 2%. A total of 196 urine samples were tested by RT-PCR, there were 54 positive ones founded with the positive rate of 27. 6% , of which 21 copies of the cat urine with 4 positive samples, the positive rate was 19%. Dog positive urine sample were 50 copies in 175, the positive rate of 28. 6%.%为了解钩端螺旋体病在犬、猫体内的感染情况,2011年,在北京地区建立了20个宠物疫病监测点,随机收集了犬、猫血清及尿液样本396份,进行犬、猫钩端螺旋体病的流行病学调查.调查结果为显微镜凝集试验检测犬、猫血清共计200份,抗体阳性的样品共有106份,阳性率为53%,其中猫血清为阳性的样品有20份,阳性率为27.8%;犬血清为阳性的样品有86份,阳性率为67.2%. RT-PCR检测犬、猫尿液共计196份,阳性的样品共有54份,阳性率为27.6%,其中猫尿样21份,阳性样品4份,阳性率为19%;犬尿样175份,阳性样品50份,阳性率为28.6%.



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