首页> 中文期刊> 《中国畜牧兽医》 >猪伪狂犬病净化对猪生产性能影响的研究




为了评定猪伪狂犬病净化对猪生产性能的影响,作者调查了中国9个省63个规模化猪养殖场,以调查数据为基础,统计分析了伪狂犬病净化对猪死亡率、猪群伪狂犬gE阳性率、母猪流产率等生产性能的影响,对比了不同规模、不同净化阶段养殖场的猪生产性能的差异.统计结果表明,通过实施疫苗免疫、检疫诊断、淘汰阳性动物、培养健康动物等净化措施,生猪的生产性能明显提高;养殖规模在1.65~8.47万头的养殖场其生产性能提高的效果最优;伪狂犬病净化时间越长,猪的生产性能提高的幅度越大.%In order to identify the effect of pseudorabies purification on pig production performance,this paper based on the survey of 63 large-scale pig farms in 9 provinces of China,analyzed the effects of pseudorabies purification on the mortality of pigs,the positive rate of gE,the maternal abortion rate and so on,and compared pig production performance between purification and non-purifucation farms in different scale and different stages of purification.The results showed that the pig production performance was improved by the implementation of vaccine immunization,quarantine diagnosis,elimination of positive animals and culture of healthy animals;Pseudorabies purification had the best effect of improving production performance for the farms with the scale of 16 500 to 84 700 head.The longer the time of pseudorabies purification,the greater the production performance of pigs.



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