首页> 中文期刊> 《中国动物检疫》 >残数法在猪瘟母源抗体代谢动力学研究中的应用




按日龄采集某场5窝免疫母猪所产仔猪血样259份,运用农业部规定的猪瘟正向间接血凝试验法检测猪瘟抗体效价,并以抗体效价对数对日龄作图。运用了残数法对猪瘟母源抗体代谢动力学进行了研究,建立数学模型,求算出该场哺乳仔猪猪瘟母源抗体代谢动力学参数 ka、k、t1/2(a)和 t 分别是2.2144/d、0.03887/d、7.5 h、和17.83 d。依据猪瘟母源抗体代谢动力学参数 t 为17.83 d,确定该场哺乳仔猪在28~30日龄进行首免,可获得满意的合格免疫率。%259 blood samples were collected according to piglet ages from 5 broods of classical swine fever immunized sows and were tested for classical swine fever antibody titers by using the MOA-approved indirect hemagglutination assay.And the classical swine fever antibody titer logarithm was plotted in relation with the ages.The maternal CSF antibody metabolic dynamics was studied by means of the residual method and a mathematical model was established.The results showed that the maternal CSF antibody metabolic kinetic parameters ka,k,t1/2(a)and t were calcutated respectively as 2.2144/d,0.03887/d,7.5 h and 17.83 d.According to the maternal CSF antibody matabolic dynamic parameter t=17.83 days,the first vaccination day for suckling piglets in the farm was determined at 28~30 day-old,with satifactory immune efficiency.



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