首页> 中文期刊> 《中国名城》 >丝绸之路商贸城市布哈拉古城保护与利用




The city of Bhuhara is a historical capital city of Central Asia, with over 2000 years of history and has been listed as the World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. Its importance as one of the best examples of wel preserved Islamic cities of Central Asia of the 10th to 17th centuries owes a lot to the urban fabric remaining largely intact. The outstanding urban planning and architecture design of Bukhara, which dates from the Sheibanid period, had a profound influence on the evolution and planning of towns in a wide region of Central Asia. This paper introduces the traditional cityscape characteristics and the present preservation management system, regulations, strategies and plans of the historical center of Bukhara city and then, concludes some useful viewpoints worth learning.%布哈拉是乌兹别克斯坦的一座拥有两千多年历史的古都,被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。作为丝绸之路上重要商贸城市的布哈拉古城,是10世纪至17世纪中亚伊斯兰城市的最佳典范之一,其重要性不仅在于保存下来的古建,更重要的是整体的城市风貌代表了始于Sheibanid王朝、持续高水准的城市规划与建筑设计历史。介绍了布哈拉的旧城历史、名城保护与利用的管理体系、相关法规、规划与措施,并进行了比较与分析。



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