首页> 中文期刊> 《化学研究与应用》 >针状In2 O3微纳材料的制备、表征及其光催化性能研究

针状In2 O3微纳材料的制备、表征及其光催化性能研究



在In( NO3)3、没食子酸、甲酰胺和水的反应体系中,通过简单的常压回流方法,制备了体心立方结构的In2 O3微纳材料的前驱体。针状前躯体经800° C 煅烧5 h后即转变为C-In2 O3,粒子保持了良好的形貌继承性。样品通过透射电镜、X射线衍射、红外光谱和元素分析等手段进行了表征。研究发现,溶液中没食子酸、甲酰胺及In( NO3)3的浓度均对粒子的形貌及尺寸产生影响;采用甲基紫为模型反应评价了针状In2 O3的光催化活性,结果表明,针状In2 O3微纳材料对甲基紫的紫外光降解具有良好的催化作用。%In the reaction system of In( NO3 ) 3 ,gallic acid,formamide and water,the needle-like precursor of bcc In2 O3 mirco-nano-materials was prepared via a simple normal pressure refluxing method under atmosphere pressure. The needle-like precursor was turned into C-In2O3 with the similar morphology after calcining at 800(C for 5h. And the samples were characterized by scanning e-lectron microscopy,X-ray powder diffraction,Fourier transmission infrared spectra,elemental analysis and so on. The research re-sults showed that the concentration of gallic acid,formamide and In( NO3 ) 3 would bring about impacts on the morphology and size of the particles as well. In addition,the photocatalytic activity of In2 O3 was evaluated based on the degradation of methyl violet as a model reaction. And the experimental results indicated that the needle-like In2 O3 had good catalytic activity during the degradation of methyl violet solution under the ultraviolet radiation.



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