首页> 中文期刊>上海商学院学报 >流通产业发展与市场化进程内在依存关系的实证研究




市场形成与发展催生流通产业形成与发展,同时流通产业的发展可以通过降低市场交易过程中的费用,提高交易效率,促进市场化进程。市场范围和规模在时间上继起和空间上并存,国内市场与国外市场接轨,形成一个开放性的市场体系。在开放性的市场体系下,流通产业与对外贸易之间形成相互影响、相互制约的机制。基于我国1978—2008年时间序列数据,通过 VAR 模型的脉冲响应和方差分解揭示了市场化进程和对外贸易对流通产业发展显著的贡献度,同时流通产业的发展也对市场化进程和对外开放水平的提高有着重要的促进作用。%This paper presents the relationship between the circulation industry,the marketization and foreign trade.It points out that the formation and development of the market give rise to the formation and development of circulation industry.At the same time,the development of circulation industry can promote the process of marketization by reducing the cost in market transactions and improving transaction efficiency.The existence of market scope and scale in time and space can make the integration the domestic market and overseas market and finally form an open market system.In the open market system,the relationship between the circulation industry and foreign trade is marked by mutual influence and mutual restriction.While marketization and foreign trade contribute to the rise of the circulation industry,the development of the latter circulation industry also plays an important role in promoting the process of marketization and the level of opening to the outside world.



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