首页> 中文期刊>地域研究与开发 >环嵩山地区史前时期聚落选址与水系关系研究




采用GIS空间分析方法,按照裴李岗、仰韶、龙山、夏商4个时期对环嵩山地区史前时期聚落选址与水系关系进行分析.结果表明:聚落选址与水系存在密切的关系:①聚落选址偏好最强的地区位于距河流水平距离为200~ 300 m的地区,聚落分布数量随着距离水系水平距离的增大而减少,而且聚落选址距离水系的水平距离基本不超过3 km.②距离水系垂直距离为20 m的范围内是聚落选址偏好程度最强的地区,聚落分布数量随着距离河流垂直距离的增加而减少,距离水系垂直距离太大,不利于古人取水,垂直距离超过40 m无聚落分布,说明聚落选址对距离水系垂直距离的偏好度在40 m以内.③聚落选址偏好随着水系级别的增大而降低,裴李岗时期、龙山时期、夏商时期3级水系附近聚落密度最大,而仰韶时期1级水系附近聚落密度最大.有可能因为在仰韶时期,气候属于暖湿期,相对于其他3个时期来说,降水较多,3级水系水流量可能较大,没有1级水系附近的居住环境稳定.%The relationship between prehistoric settlement location and river was analyzed using GIS spatial analysis method in accordance with four periods of the Peiligang,Yangshao and Longshan,Xia and Shang around Songshan Mountain area.The results indicated that the settlement location had close relationship with river:(1) the strongest preference regions lied in the horizontal distance of 200~ 300 meter from the river.With the increase of the horizontal distance from river,the number of the settlement was less and less.The horizontal distance from river of settlement location was no more than 3 kilometers.(2)The strongest preference area for settlement location lied in the vertical distance of 0 ~ 20 meter from river.With the increase of the vertical distance from river,the number of the settlement was less and less.The preference of settlement location to the vertical distance from river was no more than 40 meter in order to fetch water.(3) The preference of settlement selection decreased with the increase of river level.The settlement density in the vicinity of three level rivers in period of Peiligang,Longshan,Xia and Shang was largest;however,the settlement density in the vicinity of one level river of Yangshao was largest because the climate was warm and humid in period of Yangshao so that there were more intensive rains than in other periods.



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