首页> 中文期刊>计算机应用研究 >无线传感器网络环境下基于锚节点定位的节点定位误差分析




基于相对距离测量的WSN节点定位误差分析,在克拉美劳边界(CRLB)理论基础上,将传统的不考虑锚节点误差的CRLB分析方法进行了拓展,建立了包含锚节点误差的CRLB模型,用该模型分析了使用误差锚节点时各种系统参数设置对待定节点定位精度的影响,最后将分析结果与传统的定位误差分析方法进行比较.结果显示,该方法是经典的WSN节点定位CRLB模型和三边定位法误差传递模型的拓展,在相同条件下可以得到相同的结果,从而证明了提出的误差锚节点定位CRLB模型的正确性.%Exploring the localization error behavior in case of using range measurement to localize the network. Based on analytical bounds for the covariance given by the CRLB, expanded the classical application CRLB to a formulation which allowed to compute the uncertainty associated with the node for the case of beacon with uncertain positions, and then developed a fundamental understanding of how network setup parameters affected the error behavior in node position estimates. The experiments provide the validity of this method. Under the same configuration of network, it proves that this method is the extension of classical CRLB model in WSN and triangulation-based pose estimate. It provides the same result as the method described above.



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