首页> 中文期刊>农业网络信息 >乡(镇)成人文化技术学校发展走向与对策建议




乡(镇)成人文化技术学校是面向“三农”服务“三农”开展文化和技术教育的综合性、多功能的教育基地,是传播科技文化与知识技能的重要载体。其职能是不可替代的,其发挥的作用是无可替代的,其取得的成绩是世人瞩目的。但随着我国城乡经济社会一体化发展、农业产业结构调整、农村经济供给侧改革,学校的生存和发展遇到了诸多困难。通过调研,分析学校发展中面临困境产生的原因,提出了乡(镇)成人文化技术学校发展走向与对策建议,旨在为学校发展提供可借鉴的思路,为教育行政部门宏观决策提供参考。%Township adult school is the comprehensive and multi-functional education base servicing agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and carrying out cultural and technical education, as well as the important dissemination carrierof science, technology, culture, knowledge and skills, which plays an irreplaceable role and gets remarkable achievements. But with the integration of urban and rural economic and social development, agricultural structure adjustment, reform of the supply side of rural economy, the survival and development of township adult schoolhas encountered many difficulties. Through the investigation, this paperanalyzed the reasons of its developmentplight, and put forward its development trend and countermeasures, aiming at providing referential ideas for its development and reference for the macro decision-making of education administrative departments.



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