首页> 外文期刊>农业科学与技术(英文版) >钾氮及有机肥投入对稻农超级稻生产经济研究——基于辽宁、浙江、湖南3省8县市690户稻农的实证研究


机译:Study on Contribution of Potassium, Nitrogen and Organic Fertilizer to Farmers' Super Rice Production Economy Based on Empirical Study of 690 Rice Farmers in Eight Counties in Liaoning, Zhejiang and Hunan Province钾氮及有机肥投入对稻农超级稻生产经济研究——基于辽宁、浙江、湖南3省8县市690户稻农的实证研究

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[目的]探讨钾氮及有机肥投入对稻农超级稻生产经济的贡献.[方法]以辽宁、浙江、湖南3省8县市690户稻农2009年实际生产数据为基础,运用柯布道格拉斯(Cobb-Douglas)生产函数模型,将肥料及各品种的生产投入对超级稻生产的产量影响及关联度进行了模拟分析。[结果]有机肥使用的增加对超级稻产量增长作用显著;化肥使用量渐趋合理,但增产不增值;各肥料品种对超级稻产量的增长能力差异显著,增产能力为钾大于磷大于氮.[结论]根据研究结果,提出在当前超级稻生产中,要继续增施有机肥与钾肥的数量并控制化肥使用总量。%[Objective] The aim was to investigate the contribution of potassium,nitrogen and organic fertilizer to super rice production.[Method] The data about the labor force input,fertilizer input,organic fertilizer input,contents of effective nitrogen and effective potassium in production,obtained through empirical study of 690 rice farmers in eight counties (cities) in Liaoning,Zhejiang and Hunan in 2009,were analyzed by using Cobb-Douglas production function model to study influence of material input (especially the fertilizer input) and labor force input to the yield of super rice,and the correlation between the input and the yield of rice production.[Result] The increase in amount of organic fertilizer has significantly increased the yield of super rice.The amount of chemical fertilizer applied is becoming more reasonable,but increase of yield does not result in increase of value.Different types of fertilizers have significantly different capabilities in increasing yields of super rice.The potassium fertilizer is superior to phosphorous fertilizer,while phosphorous is superior to nitrogenous fertilizer in improving production capacity.[Conclusion] The paper suggests that it should continue to increase the amount of organic fertilizers and potassium fertilizer and meanwhile control the amount of nitrogenous fertilizer in super rice production at present.
机译:[目的]探讨钾氮及有机肥投入对稻农超级稻生产经济的贡献.[方法]以辽宁、浙江、湖南3省8县市690户稻农2009年实际生产数据为基础,运用柯布道格拉斯(Cobb-Douglas)生产函数模型,将肥料及各品种的生产投入对超级稻生产的产量影响及关联度进行了模拟分析。 [结果]有机肥使用的增加对超级稻产量增长作用显着;化肥使用量渐趋合理,但增产不增值;各肥料品种对超级稻产量的增长能力差异显着,增产能力为钾大于磷大于氮. [结论]根据研究结果,提出在当前超级稻生产中,要继续增施有机肥与钾肥的数量并控制化肥使用总量。 %[Objective] The aim was to investigate the contribution of potassium,nitrogen and organic fertilizer to super rice production.[Method] The data about the labor force input,fertilizer input,organic fertilizer input,contents of effective nitrogen and effective potassium in production ,obtained through empirical study of 690 rice farmers in eight counties (cities) in Liaoning,Zhejiang and Hunan in 2009,were analyzed by using Cobb-Douglas production function model to study influence of material input (especially the fertilizer input) and labor force input to the yield of super rice,and the correlation between the input and the yield of rice production.[Result] The increase in amount of organic fertilizer has significantly increased the yield of super rice.The amount of chemical fertilizer applied is becoming more reasonable, but increase of yield does not result in increase of value.Different types of fertilizers have significantly different capabilities in increasing yields of super rice.T he potassium fertilizer is superior to phosphorous fertilizer,while phosphorous is superior to nitrogenous fertilizer in improving production capacity.[Conclusion] The paper suggests that it should continue to increase the amount of organic fertilizers and potassium fertilizer and meanwhile control the amount of nitrogenous fertilizer in super rice production at present.



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