首页> 中文期刊> 《农业展望》 >信息化对农村经济增长影响实证分析及展望--基于区域差异的比较




基于2010—2013年统计数据,从农村信息资源、农村信息化基础设施、农村信息技术应用和农村信息产业发展等方面构建农业信息化指标体系,进而对中国东中西部地区的农业信息化水平进行评估,结果表明农户计算机拥有量、农村宽带接入户和农村人均图书馆馆藏量等存在显著的地区差异是导致中国东中西部地区信息化水平差异的主要原因。在此基础之上构建省级面板数据,分析农业信息化对农村经济增长的促进作用及区域差异,计量结果表明,农业信息化对农村经济增长有促进作用,同时由于东中西部地区农业信息化水平的差异,东部地区的信息化对农村经济的促进作用明显高于中西部地区,中部地区信息化对农村经济的促进作用高于西部地区。%Based on the 2010-2013 statistical data, the authors constructed the index system of agricultural informationization from the aspects of rural information resources, rural infrastructure of informationization, application of rural information technology and the development of agricultural information industry, evaluated the agricultural informationization level of eastern, central and western regions of China. The results showed that the remarkable regional differences of farmers' computer ownership, broadband access in rural households and rural per capita amount of library collections were the main reasons leading to the different informationization levels of eastern, central and western regions of China. Based on this, the authors constructed the provincial panel data, analyzed the role of agricultural informationization in improving rural economy and the regional difference. The metric results showed that agricultural informationization had a role in promoting rural economic growth, at the same time, for the different levels of agricultural informationization in eastern, central and western regions of China, the improvement role of agricultural informationization in promoting rural economy in eastern region was significantly higher than that in central and western regions, and the improvement role of agricultural informationization in promoting rural economy in central region was higher than that in western region.



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