首页> 中文期刊> 《针刺研究》 >针刺实验研究中大鼠非经非穴选取方法及思考




Researches on the specificity of acupoints need a contrast of non-acupoint.However,there have been no uniform standards for locating the non-acupoint in both human body and animals.In the present paper,the authors make a review about the methods for locating the non-acupoint in rats during acupuncture experiments in recent decade.Till now,four methods were frequently used,i.e.,1) selecting a spot beside the known acupoint at the same level,2) selecting the mid point between two meridian running courses,3) choosing a spot at the tail,and 4) choosing a spot below the costal region.The authors hold that of the 4 methods,the last one,i.e.,taking the spot below the costal region as the non-acupoint is probably the most reasonable approach,if it is far from the observed acupoint,and on the same or the adjacent spinal nerve segment.%经穴效应特异性研究,离不开非经非穴的对照.目前非经非穴的选取方法尚无公认的统一标准.回顾近10年来针刺实验研究中非经非穴选取方法的文献发现,有在穴位同水平旁开位置选取、在经穴同一水平相邻的两经脉连线的中点选取、在大鼠尾部选取以及在胁下选取4种方法.本文通过对这4种常用非经非穴选取方法研究文献进行梳理,提出在以大鼠为研究对象的针刺实验中,在胁下选取远离治疗组经穴所在相同或相近神经节段且位置描述明确的非经非穴作为对照比较合理.



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