首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽医科大学学报》 >不同超排方法对家兔超数排卵效果的影响




目的 探讨家兔稳定高效的超数排卵方法, 旨在获得充足的优质兔卵母细胞,为随后的相关试验提供可靠的物质保障.方法 尿促性素(HMG)+人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)组:雌兔颈部皮下注射HMG 35 IU/只,每隔24 h注射1次,共2次;孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)超排组:雌兔颈部皮下一次性注射PMSG促卵泡生长发育,每只注射 80 IU;卵泡刺激素(FSH)超排组:雌兔颈部皮下注射FSH,每隔12 h注射1次,共6次,每次注射10 IU/只,总用量60 IU/只;HMG、PMSG、FSH注射结束后的特定时间,雌兔行耳缘静脉注射HCG以促进卵泡排出,每次注射100 IU/只,比较3种超排卵效果.结果 HMG+HCG组的平均回收卵泡数显著高于FSH+HCG组和PMSG+HCG组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);FSH+HCG组与PMSG+HCG组平均回收卵泡数比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);PMSG+HCG组超排后的卵巢平均充血卵泡数、平均卵巢囊肿数显著高于HMG+HCG组和FSH+HCG组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)同时PMSG+HCG超排组所获部分卵母细胞呈现第一极体碎、卵周间隙大、胞浆形态异常状况.结论 在家兔的超数排卵方案中,HMG+HCG组超排方案最稳定、经济、高效.%Objective To explore an stable and high efficient superovulation method for rabbits. obtain sufficient high-quality rabbit oocytes, and provid reliable materials for the following relevant test. Methods 30 New Zealand white rabbits randomly divided into 3 groups. As for HMG + HCG group , the female rabbit was subcutaneous injected on its neck for 2 times at intervals of 24 h ; and for PMSG + HCG test group, the female rabbit was subcutaneous injected on its neck with PMSG 80 IU/pc ; and for FSH + HCG test group , the female rabbit was injected on its neck for 6 times at intervals of 12 h . and total dose was 60 IU/pc. After HMG .PMSG and FSH injection , the intravenous injection through the ear edge vein with HCG 100 IU per rabbit at the given time , the egg recovery rate was calculated, and the superovulation effect of three treatment methods was compared. Results The average number of follicles recovered,hyperaemia follicles on the ovary and ovarian cysts of the three groups had significant differences.The average number of follicles recovered from HMG +HCG group was significantly higher than those from FSH+HCG group and PMSG +HCG group ( P <0. 05 ). And the average number of follicles recovered form FSH + HCG group was significantly higher than that from PMSG + HCG group ( P < 0. 05 ). And we found that the average number of hyperaemia follicles and ovarian cysts on the ovary of PMSG +HCG group was significantly higher than those from HMG + HCG group and FSH + HCG group ( P< 0. 05 ). A part of the oocytes had abnormal morphology( such as first polar body broken, egg week gap, cytoplasm abnormal morphology ) which was recovered form PMSG +HCG group. Conclusion The most efficient superovulation methods is HMg + HCG group on rabbits.



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