首页> 中文期刊> 《物理学报》 >V型三能级原子双模光场系统中光场压缩性质




本文利用格子液体方法对文献中给出的V型三能级原子玻色一爱因斯坦凝聚体与双模压缩相干态光场相互作用系统的哈密顿量进行分析,发现文献中对原子间相互作用部分的处理有不合理之处,从而对该哈密顿量作出了改进并研究了V型三能级原子双模光场系统中光场压缩性质.结果表明:光场两正交分量交替呈现周期性压缩现象,其压缩深度与光场初始压缩因子密切相关,而压缩时间与双模光场的频率有关.%The Hamiltonian operator of a system of V-type three-level atomic Bose-Einstein condensate interacting with two-mode squeezed coherent light field is analyzed in terms of the lattice-liquid model. It is indicated that the contribution of the interaction between atoms to the Hamiltonian in the literature is unreasonable, so the Hamiltonian operator is improved and the squeezing properties of two-mode squeezed field interacting with V-type three-level atoms are studied. The results show that two quadrature comonents of light can be squeezed periodically and that maximum depth of squeezing is closely related to the initial squeezing parameter of light and that the duration is determined by the frequency of two-mode field.



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