首页> 中文期刊> 《岩石学报》 >热液金刚石压腔在地质流体研究中的应用




The hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell (HDAC) was designed to simulate the geologic conditions of crustal processes in the presence of water or other fluids. The HDAC has been used to apply external pressure to both synthetic and natural fluid inclusions in quartz to minimize problems caused by stretching or decrepitation of inclusions during microthermometric analysis. When the HDAC is loaded with a fluid sample, it can be considered as a large synthetic fluid inclusion and therefore, can be used to study the PVTX properties as well as phase relations of the sample fluid. Because the HDAC has a wide measurement pressure-temperature range and also allows in-situ optical observations, it has been used to study critical phenomena of various chemical systems, such as the geologically important hydrous silicate melts. It is possible, when the HDAC is combined with synchrotron X-ray sources, to obtain basic information on speciation and structure of metal including rare-earth elements (REE) complexes in hydrothermal solutions as revealed by X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectra. Recent modifications of the HDAC minimize the loss of intensity of X-rays due to scattering and absorption by the diamonds. These modifications are especially important for studying elements with absorption edges below 10 keV and therefore particularly valuable for our understanding of transport and deposition of first-row transition elements and REE in hydrothermal environments.%热液金刚石压腔(HDAC)是专为模拟地壳温压条件下的地质作用而设计的,它尤其适用于观测水或其它流体与地质物质之间的相互作用.HDAC可对-190~1200℃, 0~10GPa的热液体系进行实验,并可在实验的温压条件下,用各种先进的光学方法分析样品,更可以把实验的全程录像存档.充满流体的HDAC本身就可当做是一个人工合成的流体包裹体,因此它可以用来研究流体的状态方程和相关系.它又可对其它流体包裹体样品施加外压力,因此在热分析的过程中可免除包裹体的膨胀或爆破的困境.HDAC可应用到颇为宽广的温压范围,它已被广泛地用来观测各种化学体系的临界现象,包括在地质方面特别有用的含水硅酸盐体系.HDAC也可与同步辐射X光源相结合,而取得各种金属或稀土元素水溶液的X射线吸收精细结构 (X-ray absorption fine structure; XAFS) 光谱,因而对在热液里的金属或稀土元素络合物的组分和结构提供了最基本的资料.然而,X光的强度在透过金刚石时,因绕射和吸收而大大地减弱,因此应用一般的HDAC来获取那些吸收边在10keV以下的元素的XAFS光谱颇为困难.目前已有两种改良式的HDAC解除了这方面的困难,而对在元素周期表上的第一排过渡性金属元素和稀土元素的水溶液,提供清晰的XAFS光谱.这些资料可用来研究金属或稀土元素络合物在地质热液里的特性,及其在元素迁移和成矿作用方面的效应.而这些元素在地质应用方面特别重要.



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