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临界现象的相关文献在1981年到2022年内共计134篇,主要集中在物理学、化学、地球物理学 等领域,其中期刊论文127篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献18638篇;相关期刊91种,包括国际地震动态、世界地震译丛、自然杂志等; 相关会议5种,包括第十五届全国激波与激波管学术交流会、2003年第六届海峡两岸空间资讯与防灾科技研讨会、第十一届全国磁学和磁性材料会议等;临界现象的相关文献由226位作者贡献,包括沈伟国、安学勤、蔡绍洪等。



论文:127 占比:0.68%


论文:5 占比:0.03%


论文:18638 占比:99.30%





  • 沈伟国
  • 安学勤
  • 蔡绍洪
  • 吴福根
  • 戴陵江
  • 欧发
  • 吴永礼
  • 方建
  • 马兴科
  • 丁亦兵
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张可; 何健钊; 孟婧; 王小丹; 毕胜山
    • 摘要: 为了解决高校物理化学与工程热力学等课程所开设的饱和蒸气压测量实验中所存在的问题,研制了一套饱和蒸气压测量与临界现象观测实验装置,增加临界参数测量功能,并具有良好的临界乳光及多种气-液相变现象观测功能。通过充灌R125和乙醇的实验表明:本装置更适合充灌低沸点工质,但充灌高沸点工质时也可满足教学要求。实验装置可测量的温度范围为—10 °C~120 °C,测量快速、准确,取得了良好的实验教学效果。
    • 张嘉龙; 张龙; 张富春
    • 摘要: 量子受激转子(quantum kicked rotor,QKR)是量子混沌研究中的重要模型之一。在自旋1/2的QKR中,调节等效Planck常数可以在动力学局域化相之间实现一系列相变,其形式与整数量子霍尔效应及其平台相变相似。研究这一相变的有限尺寸标度理论,并将其应用于自旋1/2的QKR模型。估计出相变的临界指数为ν=2.62(9),符合整数量子霍尔效应平台转变的普适类。
    • 马宁
    • 摘要: “临界图相”是第七届云南艺术学院美术学院双年展的学术主题,主要涉及图像的两种状态,一为“临界”,一为“图相”。[1]“临界”这一概念主要用于自然科学,指物质、生命、空间状态将变未变的瞬间,例如水从气态到液态的临界为似气作气,似水非水,气水同存;也用于精神科学领域,例如在心理学层面,喜怒哀乐的交接之处为非喜非怒的临界状态。也就是说,临界现象出现于涵盖人类文明的自然与科学两大学科。
    • 刘恩克; 刘剑; 王敦辉
    • 摘要: 相变行为普遍存在于物质世界,是材料学和凝聚态物理领域关注的基本现象和重要课题.经典相变伴随着体系的对称破缺,可以由以序参量为基本热力学参量的朗道相变理论完美地描述.相变过程中,不同物态之间相互转化,伴随着丰富的临界现象.作为固态相变中的一类相变,马氏体相变不发生原子的长程扩散,只有原子的短程位移.温度、应力等外部自由度可以驱动马氏体相变的发生,并对外输出应变、电阻变化、潜热等物理效应.
    • 张李盈; 任景莉
    • 摘要: 渗流理论是从随机扩散现象(如流体粒子通过孔隙介质逐步扩散并形成随机路径的过程)中抽象出的一种广泛的数学模型,主要研究无序体系随机几何结构形成过程中的演化规律、行为特征及各种临界现象.渗流理论涉及概率统计、图论、统计物理、随机过程、拓扑、几何、代数、动力系统分析等众多领域,是数学的一个重要分支.渗流理论不仅具有重要的理论意义,而且应用背景广阔.过去的50年中,渗流理论因表述简单、内涵丰富,获得了广泛应用,为化学、生态学、物理学、材料科学、传染病学、复杂网络等领域中的问题带来了新视角,提供了新的理论方法.目前渗流研究处于发展的关键时期,渗流中相变临界条件的确定、渗流团簇的复杂结构及其在临界点附近几何特征的理解是渗流研究的核心问题.文章介绍渗流理论研究的主要问题、方法和结果,简要回顾渗流理论发展的标志性成果,最后提出一些值得思考和研究的问题.
    • 封裕琴
    • 摘要: 笔者结合物理教学实践课就带电粒子在匀强磁场中运动时经常出现的两种临界情况进行了分析论证,旨在与同行进行业务交流,希望对青年教师的物理教学有所启迪,对高中学生的物理学习有所帮助.
    • 李任重; 武振伟; 徐莉梅
    • 摘要: 绝大多数物质的液态密度随温度降低而增大,即常见的热胀冷缩现象.但存在一类物质,如水及第四主族的硅、锗等,其液态密度在一定温度范围内随温度的升高而增大,即密度反常现象.此外,该类物质还存在动力学反常(密度越大粒子运动越快)、热力学反常(热力学量的涨落随温度降低而升高)等其他反常特性.这类材料的化学性质千差万别,但却具有相似的物理反常特性.进一步的理论研究发现部分材料具有两种液态,即高密度液态和低密度液态,两者之间存在一级相变.因此,反常特性与液体-液体相变是否有直接关联是一个值得深入研究的课题.本文主要介绍了具有液体-液体相变的一类材料及其反常特性,包括高温高压下氢的液体-液体相变及其超临界现象,镓的反常特性及其与液体-液体相变的关联等.%In most of liquids, densities increase as temperature decreases. However, the densities of water and water-like liquids, such as silicon and germanium, are anomalous, which increase as temperature increases. Such substances also show other anomalous behaviors, such as diffusivity anomalies (diffusivities increase as density increases), and thermodynamic anomalies (the fluctuations increase as temperature decreases). The chemical properties of these materials are very different from each other, but they all share similar physical properties. Further studies indicate that most of them have two distinct liquid states, i.e., a low-density liquid and a high-density liquid, and a first order liquid-liquid phase transition (LLPT) between these two liquids. We mainly discuss the anomalous properties of materials each of which has a predicted LLPT and their relations with anomalous behaviors (thermodynamic, dynamic and structural) as those of water and water-like liquids, such as hydrogen and gallium. In particular, we discuss the supercritical phenomenon of the liquid-liquid phase transition of hydrogen, as well as the liquid-liquid phase transition of gallium and its relation with the thermodynamic, dynamic, and structural anomalies. It is found that the liquid hydrogen and gallium both have the LLPT and share similar anomalous behaviors as water and water-like liquids, such as density anomaly, dynamics anomaly, thermodynamic anomaly Since the chemical properties of these materials are very different from those of others having the LLPT, the anomalous behaviors may be common features for substances predicted to have the LLPT.
    • 任景莉; 于利萍; 张李盈
    • 摘要: 非晶态材料有着复杂的原子结构(短程有序、长程无序)和特殊的物理性质,其临界现象和相变问题一直受到学术界关注.非晶合金,又称为金属玻璃,是一种新型的非晶态材料,具有很高的强度和优异的弹性.从微观的角度来看,非晶合金可以看作是一个多粒子系统.临界现象的研究对认识和理解多粒子系统之间的相互作用有深刻的意义.本文主要讨论非晶合金中的临界现象,包括非晶合金从制备过程、微观结构到宏观的力学性能以及磁性方面存在的临界现象,并分析这些临界现象之间的内在联系,进而深入理解非晶合金的微观结构对其宏观性质的影响.这为认识非晶合金的形成本质,提高服役可靠性,探索具有实际应用价值的非晶合金提供理论依据.%Amorphous material usually exhibit a complex atomic structure including short-range order, long-range disorder and metastable state in thermodynamic, which is one of the existing states of matters. Amorphous alloy, also named metallic glass, is a new metallic material, and has a high strength, a good electromagnetic property, an excellent corrosion-resistant and a high elasticity. The system of amorphous alloy can show some critical states and is a complicated system. In recent years, much atttentions have been paid to the researches of the phase transitions and critical phenomena of amorphous material. On a microscale, amorphous alloy can be regarded as a solid composed of many-particle systems. The investigation of the critical phenomena can significantly enhance the understanding of the interactions among these multi-particle systems. The structure of amorphous alloy is randomly and isotropic in macro performance, and ordered and anisotropic on a localized nanometer scale. The characteristics on different scales of amorphous alloy are not isolated. The structure of amorphous alloy determines the performance. The preparation process determines the nature of the microstructure. The microstructure is the internal cause dominating glass transition and deformation. Moreover, the effective cooling rate in preparation process of amorphous alloy affects the short-range rate of the amorphous phase. The nonperiodic short-range order plays a key role in the stability of amorphous phase. Furthermore, the glass transition and deformation of amorphous alloys are the responses to the external energy. The characteristics of the deformation process change with external condition. The external force can lead to the localized shear deformation and transformation between amorphous and liquid in the shear band. High temperature can cause a wide range of transformation from the amorphous solid to the liquid. So it is worth understanding in depth the basic principles of liquid and glass transition in order to prepare amorphous alloy in undercooled liquids. In this review article, we discuss the critical phenomena of amorphous alloys, which include the preparation process, the microstructure, the mechanical property and the electromagnetism. The correlation and the influence of microstructure on the macroscopic properties are analyzed. It will be helpful for understanding the nature of amorphous alloy, improving service reliability and exploring amorphous alloys with application values.
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