首页> 中文期刊> 《测绘学报》 >叠置分区辅助的相位编组直线提取算法




Aiming at solving the problem of fracture at the discontinuities area and the challenges of line fitting in each partition ,an innovative line extraction algorithm is proposed based on phase grouping using overl apped partition .The proposed algorithm adopted dual partition steps ,which will generate overl apped eight partitions .Between the two steps ,the middle axis in the first step coincides with the border lines in the other step .Firstly ,the connected edge points that share the same phase gradients are merged into the line candidates ,and fitted into line segments .Then to remedy the break lines at the border areas ,the break segments in the second partition steps are refitted .The proposed algorithm is robust and does not need any parameter tuning .Experiments with various datasets have confirmed that the method is not only capable of handling the linear features ,but also powerful enough in handling the curve features .%针对现有相位编组方法在区域分界线处产生边缘断裂及同一分区内直线拟合难题,提出了一种叠置分区辅助的相位编组直线提取算法。该算法通过两次分区生成交叠的八分区模式,二次分区中心线与一次分区分界线相重合。首先根据初始四分区,将梯度相位相同且相互连接的边缘点编组生成直线支持区,再对其进行边缘分裂,进而拟合出对应的直线。然后将不满足一次分区条件的边缘点再依据二次分区进行直线提取,以弥补一次分区在分界线附近产生的边缘断裂。本文算法原理简单,不需要参数调整。试验验证和对比分析表明,该算法不仅能有效、准确地提取影像上的直线特征,而且对于影像上的曲线特征也能通过直线拟合得到较好的提取结果。



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