首页> 中文期刊> 《生态学报》 >空气花粉变化规律和预测预报研究进展




空气花粉是一个地区大气环境评估的重要指标,随着人们生态环境保护意识以及自身健康意识的提高,该领域的研究已经成为综合生物学、环境科学、气象学和医学等学科的全球性的研究课题.不同地区受其地理位置、植物组成和气候等多种因素的影响,空气花粉种类和浓度的变化模式有所不同,一般情况,一个地区白天空气花粉浓度高,夜晚浓度低;春夏季花粉浓度高,冬季花粉浓度低;春夏季乔木类植物花粉浓度高,而秋季草本类植物花粉浓度高.空气花粉预测预报工作直接关系到一个地区农业、环境、医疗卫生以及民众生活等多方面,当前空气花粉的预测预报工作已经由原来的定性预测发展到当前通过统计学和数学方法建立数学模型进行定量化预测,不仅可以进行空气花粉种类和浓度的预测,还可以通过花粉的变化预测未来气候的变化,预测的精确度也比以往有很大提高.通过分析空气花粉研究的进展对未来该领域的研究工作进行了展望.%Over the past decades,research on atmospheric pollen has aroused a great worldwide interest by the public and scientists. Its has become an international project that has relevance in agriculture,environment,medicine and human health. Atmospheric pollen concentrations in a particular region vary markedly in response to geographical location, vegetational component, and various meterological parameters on many different time scales. Generally, during the 24-hour day, the highest pollen concentrations are observed at daylight, the lowest values are registered at night. During one year, high pollen concentrations occur in spring-summer, and low values during winter. Tree pollen is the dominant element in the spring-summer season, while weed and herb pollen is the main element in autumn. Forecasting study is the important aspect of atmospheric pollen. In recent years, a number of forecasting studies have been carried out to quantitatively evaluate diurnal, annual, seasonal variation of atmospheric pollen using numerical models. Meteorological parameters can also be predicted depending on the monitoring of atmospheric pollen. Finally, the future research directions of atmospheric pollen are discussed.



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