首页> 中文期刊>西北植物学报 >薇甘菊不同时期的营养繁殖及其生物量分配特征




薇甘菊是世界热带、亚热带地区最具危险性的外来植物之一,较强的无性生长与繁殖是其种群快速建立和扩散的主要原因.该实验采用生长期(40 d、30 d、20 d、10 d)和养分(1倍Hoagland’s营养液、清水+土壤、清水)二因子设计,探讨薇甘菊根、茎、叶的营养生长与繁殖和生物量分配特征.结果显示:(1)生长期对薇甘菊茎的存活率和养分对薇甘菊茎的净增生物量比例具有极显著影响(P<0.01),但对其他指标影响均不显著(P>0.05);生长期和养分互作除对薇甘菊根的存活率和茎的分枝数影响不显著外,对其他指标影响均达到极显著(P<0.01).(2)所有薇甘菊根处理中的存活率为0,茎的分枝数在各处理之间的差异不显著.(3)随着生长期和养分增加,薇甘菊茎和叶的存活率及其生物量逐渐提高,且茎的分枝长、叶的分枝长及其分枝数逐渐提高,但中等养分更有利于提高生长期较短的薇甘菊叶的存活率、分枝长、分枝数及生物量.研究表明,薇甘菊不同营养器官在不同生长期和养分条件具有不同的存活情况以及形态可塑性和生物量分配特征.%Being native to Central and South America, Mikania micrantha H. B. K is a perennial herb or semi-woody vine of Compositae. This plant has been considered one of the worst noxious weeds around the world and caused huge economic losses,serious ecological problems and biodiversity losses. The vegetative growth and reproduction is one of the most important reproduction strategies of M. micrantha. In this trial, the vegetative reproduction and biomass allocation characteristics of M. micrantha with two-factor experiments of different growth periods (40 d,30 d,20 d and 10 d) and nutrient solutions (1 Hoagland's, water + soil and water) were studied. The results showed that:(l)The growth period and nutrient had significant effect on stem survival rate and stem net biomass percentage of M. micrantha, respectively, but no significant effects of other indicators. Except the interaction between growth period and nutrient had no obvious impacts on root survival rate and stem branch number of M. micrantha, it had obvious effects of other indicators. (2)The survival rate of M. micrantha root in all treatments was 0 and the branch number of M. micrantha stem was not significantly different in all treatments. (3) The survival rate, biomass and branch length of M. micrantha stem were increased with increase in growth period and nutrient,and similarly survival rate, biomass, branch length, and branch number of M. micrantha leaf were improved too. However, the medium nutrient was more favorably increased survival rate, branch length, branch number, and bio-mass of M. micrantha leaf with shorter growth period than those with longer growth period. All these shows that the vegetative organs of M. micrantha have various survival rate, morphological plasticity and biomass allocation in different growth periods and nutrient solutions.



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