首页> 中文期刊> 《浙江农业学报》 >临沧市不同基因型烤烟品种的适应性研究




In order to develop new flue-cured tobacco plant scale in Lincang, select the optimal flue-cured tobacco varieties and improve the quality of tobacco leaves, seven kinds of flue-cured tobacco were used as materials to analyze the agronomic property, economic efficiency, chemical components and aroma constituents. The results showed that the growth, quality and compatibility of chemical components of ' KRK26' were the best, and the aroma constituent contents of ' KRK26' were higher than the control variety. Meanwhile, the growth, quality, chemical components, and aroma constituents of ' PVH19' were lower than the control variety. The properties of other varieties were close to the control variety.%为了发展临沧新区烤烟种植规模,筛选最佳的烤烟品种并提高烟叶的品质,以当地主栽品种‘云烟87'为对照,进行了7个烤烟品种的小区比较试验,对农艺性状、经济效益、常规化学成分和致香性物质等进行测量分析.试验结果表明:品种‘KRK26'的长势、产质量、常规化学成分的协调性综合表现比较突出,且致香性物质含量高于对照品种;品种‘PVH19'的长势、产质量、致香性物质含量、常规化学成分协调性指标均差于对照;其他品种的综合数据和对照较为接近.



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