首页> 中文期刊> 《中州学刊》 >中国伦理学:意义、内涵与构建∗




Ethics plays a very important role in philosophy and sociology, offers the value guide and moral norm in our politics, e⁃conomy, culture, society and biological civilization. It′s our historical mission to construct China ethics as morality scholars. The con⁃temporary ethics is not able to give effective way to solve the problems in our moral life and represent our moral opinions. Thus, it′s dif⁃ficult for us to identify it as China ethics. China ethics must be arising from our moral tradition and practice, focus on giving answers to our crucial moral problems. We should construct China ethics under the guidance with socialism with Chinese characteristics and enrich it by absorbing nutrition from both traditional and western moral thoughts. China ethics construction also asks for academic effort, scien⁃tific system improvement and discourse reorganization.%伦理学是哲学社会科学的重要组成部分,在国家政治、经济、文化、社会、生态建设中发挥着价值引导与道德规范功能。建设中国伦理学无疑是我国当代伦理学者们应担负的历史使命。之所以要提出建设中国伦理学,是因为现有的伦理学表现出时代的滞后性,没有体现中国特色,缺乏中国态度。中国伦理学必须植根于中国道德土壤,立足于当代中国实践,着眼于中国重大问题。构建中国伦理学,必须以中国特色社会主义理论为指导,以传统伦理和西方伦理为参照,以学术、学科、话语三体系为抓手。



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