首页> 中文期刊> 《中州学刊》 >清初在越华商移民及其文化形态--以《罗塔洲重修公亭碑》为线索




The early Qing Dynasty witnessed the peak of Chinese immigration to Vietnam, and the frequent exchange between Chi⁃nese culture and Vietnamese culture. A new discovered monument, named the Rebuilding Luo⁃Ta⁃Zhou Public Monument, recorded the historical events about the rebuilding in the 18th century. It reflected the basic information about Mr. Chang Hung⁃chi, a representative figure of Chinese merchants in Vietnam, and his families. It also contained lots of other information about the cultural exchange between China and Vietnam. Based on the studies of the inscription and field survey data, it can be found that Chinese merchants in Vietnam in the Early Qing Dynasty took many active measures to integrate into the Vietnamese society while carrying forward and spreading the tra⁃ditional Chinese culture, which made the special cultural formation of Chinese Merchants in Vietnam in the Early Qing Dynasty.%清初是华商移居越南的高峰时期,中越文化交流十分频繁。新发现的《罗塔洲重修公亭碑》即如实记录了18世纪重修罗塔洲公亭一事,反映出在越华商代表人物会安明乡社“三后贤”之一张弘基及其家族的相关情况,透露出中越文化交流的诸多信息。结合碑刻及笔者调查所得可知,以张氏家族为代表的清初在越华商在继承、传播中华文化传统的同时,又采取多种方式积极融入越南社会,从而形成了独具自身特点的文化形态。



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