首页> 中文期刊> 《中州学刊》 >媒介融合背景下学术图书的出版走向




With the booming of Internet, the trend of media convergence is intensifying.It brings both opportunities and challenges to the publishing of academic books.In order to clarify the influence, we observe and study the content production and sales platform of books, and find out: the publishing houses should play the role as a gatekeeper, which means they should screen the content of books to avoid the production of worthless books.It is relatively easier and cheaper for platform aggregation with the development of Internet, therefore, it is possible to sell academic books accurately and reduce the waste of books.Media convergences is calling for the upgrade of academic books, in order to provide more added values for readers.%伴随着互联网的蓬勃发展,媒介融合日益深入.这一趋势既为学术图书出版带来了机遇,也带来了挑战.通过对学术图书的内容生产、销售平台进行考察可见,出版社要做好把关人,对学术图书内容进行有效筛选,尽量避免无价值学术图书的生产.互联网的发展使得平台聚合变得低廉和容易,为学术图书实现精准销售、减少浪费提供了可能性.媒介融合的深入呼唤着学术图书实现产品升级,为读者提供更多的产品附加属性.



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