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Class structure and economic development: The contradictions of market socialism in China.


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The persistence of pervasive economic irrationality in the face of reforms designed to rationalize China's economy has posed difficult problems for market socialist theory and strategy. In the late 1970s, China's pragmatic leaders concluded that the key to reforming China's stultifying bureaucratic system was to be found in a broad decentralization and marketization of the economy--within the context, crucially, of continued state planning and ownership of the major means of production. They aimed to use the market to correct the plan and especially to rationalize state industrial production. I hypothesized that this strategy was inherently contradictory and doomed, because it failed to take into account the requirements of bureaucratic reproduction. Since the ruling bureaucracy does not own the economy privately as capitalists, but collectively through their ownership of the state, they could not really let market forces prevail without cutting themselves out of the economy. Thus, I hypothesized, the reformers would likely undermine and defeat their own reforms. I researched the effects of reforms in industry and agriculture over the decade 1978-88. I found that the attempt to enforce planning and market reforms, simultaneously, typically produced results that were the opposite of the reformers' intentions. I found no broad shift to specialization, to production for exchange, to competition-driven efficiency--except at the periphery. Instead, managers still seek to maximize costs (inputs) not profits, they maximize wages, they invest without regard for cost (efficiency) or need (the market). Such "irrational" behavior I found to be logical within its own terms, because there still are no market penalties, because the reformers resist bringing in fundamental reforms (decontrol of labor, capital, resource allocation) which are essential to make the market work--but which threaten bureaucratic surplus extraction and class domination. Confronted with growing irrationality, falling productivity, rising inflation and debt, the reformers postponed further reforms, and instead, recentralized the economy at the end of 1988, thus effectively abandoning their own reform project. I concluded that, pace the theorists of market socialism, the problems of the system are systemic, intractable, and irresolvable within the existing system of property and class relations.
机译:面对旨在使中国经济合理化的改革,普遍存在的经济不理性现象给市场社会主义理论和战略带来了难题。 1970年代后期,中国务实的领导人得出结论认为,改革中国僵化的官僚体制的关键在于经济的广泛分权和市场化,关键是在持续的国家计划和主要手段的所有权下进行。生产。他们旨在利用市场来纠正计划,尤其是使国有工业生产合理化。我假设这种策略天生就是矛盾的,并且注定要失败,因为它没有考虑到官僚再生产的要求。由于执政的官僚机构并不像资本家那样私下拥有经济,而是通过对国家的所有权来集体拥有,因此,如果不让自己脱离经济,他们就无法真正让市场力量占上风。因此,我假设,改革者很可能破坏并挫败他们自己的改革。我研究了1978-88年十年间工农业改革的影响。我发现,同时执行计划和市场改革的尝试通常会产生与改革者意图相反的结果。我发现,除了在外围市场外,没有发生向专业化,交换生产,竞争驱动效率的广泛转变。相反,管理者仍然寻求最大化成本(投入)而不是利润,他们最大化工资,在不考虑成本(效率)或需求(市场)的情况下进行投资。我发现这种“非理性”的行为在其自身意义上是合乎逻辑的,因为仍然没有市场惩罚,因为改革者拒绝进行对使市场运转必不可少的根本性改革(放松对劳动力,资本,资源分配的控制), -但是威胁到官僚主义的盈余提取和阶级统治。面对日益增长的非理性,生产力下降,通货膨胀和债务上升,改革者推迟了进一步的改革,相反,在1988年底使经济重新集中化,从而有效地放弃了自己的改革计划。我得出的结论是,按照市场社会主义理论家的步伐,在现有的财产和阶级关系体系中,制度的问题是系统的,棘手的,无法解决的。



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