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Computer algebra systems in mathematics education: A case study examining the introduction of computer algebra systems to secondary mathematics teachers.


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Computers are now routinely used as tools in mathematics instruction. Although some colleges have begun to use Computer Algebra Systems in calculus courses, their existence is unknown to many mathematics educators. How are CASs integrated into secondary mathematics instruction? As part of this study, the researcher taught a CAS course for secondary teachers providing them with hands-on CAS experience, focusing on pedagogical issues involving their use, and involving these teachers in developing and presenting CAS based curriculum topics.;This study contains a comprehensive description of the course and materials used to create a core of secondary teachers knowledgeable in the use of CASs. It also contains the sample lessons developed by these teachers. Answers to questions examining pedagogical and curricular implications of using CASs in secondary mathematics classrooms are answered based on the teachers' CAS lessons, their reactions to their fellow classmates' lessons, outside readings, and their responses to questions presented in a culminating paper.;Some results from this research support those found in the college level calculus studies--teachers' believe that the use of CASs: (1) reduces the time needed for tedious paper and pencil computations, (2) allows more time to concentrate on understanding the underlying concepts or processes, and (3) provides time to explore additional examples or topics. In addition to calculus, teachers believe that CASs can be used effectively with topics from arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. However, it was found that teachers feel that CASs are of little use in the area of formal proofs. All teachers agree that the use of CASs is appropriate at the senior high school level, but some question their use at the middle or junior high school levels.;They also believe that CASs allow implementation of changes suggested in the NCTM's Standards by emphasizing underlying concepts, developing problem solving techniques, allowing assignment of long term complex real world problems, and fostering effective mathematical communication.;Given the availability of sufficient hardware and software, this research shows that secondary teachers can integrate the use of CASs into traditional mathematics instruction.
机译:现在,计算机通常被用作数学教学中的工具。尽管一些大学已开始在微积分课程中使用计算机代数系统,但是它们的存在对于许多数学教育者来说是未知的。如何将CAS整合到中学数学教学中?作为这项研究的一部分,研究人员为中学教师讲授了一门CAS课程,为他们提供了动手的CAS经验,重点在于涉及其使用的教学问题,并让这些老师参与了基于CAS的课程主题的开发和介绍。对课程和材料的全面描述,这些课程和材料用于创建熟悉CAS的中学教师核心。它还包含这些老师开发的示例课程。根据教师的CAS课,他们对同班同学的反应,课外阅读以及对高中论文提出的问题的回答,回答有关检验在中学数学课堂中使用CAS的教学和课程含义的问题的答案。这项研究的结果支持了大学微积分研究中的发现-教师认为CAS的使用:(1)减少了繁琐的纸张和铅笔计算所需的时间,(2)允许更多的时间专注于理解基础知识概念或过程,以及(3)提供时间探索其他示例或主题。除微积分外,教师认为CAS可以有效地用于算术,代数,几何,三角学和统计学等主题。但是,发现教师认为CAS在正式证明方面没有多大用处。所有教师都同意在高中阶段使用CAS是合适的,但有些人对在初中或初中阶段使用CAS表示怀疑;他们还相信CAS通过强调基本概念允许实施NCTM标准中建议的更改。 ;开发解决问题的技术;允许分配长期的复杂现实世界问题;促进有效的数学交流。;鉴于有足够的硬件和软件,该研究表明,中学教师可以将CAS的使用集成到传统的数学教学中。


  • 作者

    Nowakowski, Anthony Joseph.;

  • 作者单位

    State University of New York at Buffalo.;

  • 授予单位 State University of New York at Buffalo.;
  • 学科 Mathematics education.;Teacher education.;Secondary education.;Educational technology.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 1992
  • 页码 337 p.
  • 总页数 337
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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