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Growing up with Harry Potter: What motivated youth to read?


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The overarching question of this descriptive and interpretive study, was "What motivated youth to read the Harry Potter series?" Defining the focus and parameters of the study were three more specific sub-questions: What are the general reading interests, habits, and attitudes towards reading of the young readers who participated in this study? What factors do the young readers identify as initially attracting them to Harry Potter? What factors do the young readers identify as motivating them to continue to read Harry Potter?;A purposive sample of six-hundred-seventy-one readers who responded to a request posted on three online discussion forums completed a web-based survey with results clarified or expanded via semi-structured interviews. The members of this unique-in-time group were born between 1984 and 1990 (18 to 24 years old at the time of the study), grew up in the United States, began reading the Harry Potter before 2000 and read each book as the series was published . The questionnaire administered during Phase One of this mixed methods explanatory model approach addressed the relationship of young readers who grew up with Harry Potter and the factors these readers identified as impacting their motivation to continue reading Rowling's series during the 10 years the books were published. The quantitative and qualitative results of the Phase One influenced the questions asked during Phase Two guided selection of the most appropriate subjects to interview. Phase Two utilized semi-structured qualitative interviews to more fully explore themes and data derived during analysis of Phase One data.;Not employed in previous Harry Potter studies, Rosenblatt's reader response theory was drawn on to construct this research, resulting in a wealth of new insights into motivational factors for these avid young readers of Harry Potter. These readers differ from the general population of readers in many ways: they preferred reading adventure and fantasy over horror or science fiction, read for pleasure more frequently, and were more likely to perceive themselves as having strong reading skills. Factors identified as initially motivating this group to read Harry Potter were predominantly extrinsic, with friends most often identified as encouraging them to join the in on the experience. Continued motivation to read was largely found to be intrinsic in nature with personal associations and emotional attachments between readers and the characters, changes in the reading experience as readers matured and as the books became more complex, and strong links between the books and memories of childhood.
机译:这项描述性和解释性研究的首要问题是“什么动机促使年轻人阅读《哈利·波特》系列?”定义研究的重点和参数是三个更具体的子问题:参与本研究的年轻读者的一般阅读兴趣,习惯和阅读态度是什么?年轻的读者最初将哪些因素吸引到哈利·波特那里?年轻读者认为哪些因素促使他们继续阅读《哈利波特》?;有目的的631名读者回应了三个在线讨论论坛上的要求,完成了基于网络的调查,结果明确了或通过半结构化访谈进行扩展。这个独特的小组的成员出生于1984年至1990年(研究时为18至24岁),在美国长大,在2000年之前开始阅读《哈利波特》,并以系列出版。在这种混合方法解释性模型方法的第一阶段中管理的调查表解决了与哈利·波特长大的年轻读者之间的关系,以及这些读者认为这些因素影响了他们在本书出版10年后继续阅读罗琳系列图书的动机。第一阶段的定量和定性结果影响了第二阶段在选择最合适的访谈对象时所提出的问题。第二阶段利用半结构化定性访谈来更全面地探索第一阶段数据分析过程中的主题和数据。;在以前的Harry Potter研究中未使用,Rosenblatt的读者反应理论被用于构建此研究,从而产生了许多新的这些热衷于《哈利·波特》的年轻读者的动机因素见解。这些读者在许多方面与一般读者不同:他们更喜欢阅读冒险和幻想而不是恐怖或科幻小说,更喜欢以阅读为乐,并且更有可能认为自己具有较强的阅读能力。最初被认为是促使该群体阅读《哈利·波特》的因素主要是外在的,而最常被认为是鼓励他们加入体验的朋友。持续的阅读动机在本质上是固有的,与读者和角色之间的个人联想和情感依恋,随着读者的成熟和书籍变得更加复杂而改变的阅读体验以及书籍与童年记忆之间的紧密联系。



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