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The economy of early colonial New Mexico, AD 1598-1680: An investigation of social structure and human agency using archaeological and documentary data.


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During colonization individuals alter laws, customs, and behavioral norms because individuals interact with new social and environmental conditions. During the early colonial period of New Mexico (AD 1598–1680), New Mexico's colonists established an integrated economy in which commodities produced by indigenous peoples, settlers, and Franciscan friars, and goods manufactured as far away as China were exchanged. In doing so, social structures and values as abstract as social identity and social status or as concrete as laws regarding the sale of commodities, were actively re-negotiated. The focus of this research is on the structures guiding colonial economies and how actors modified them. While archaeologists and historians have investigated early colonial New Mexico, we lack a descriptive framework which systematically describes household, regional and long-distance economic activities and the links among them. My research used texts and archaeological data, particularly paleoethnobotanical evidence, from LA 20,000 a 17th century estancia (ranch) and LA 54,000, contemporaneous deposits from Santa Fe, to construct this needed framework. These data were combined with early colonial period documents and archaeological information from other 17th century sites.; Archaeological and documentary data suggest that colonists' households, both secular and Franciscan missions, produced many of the same commodities. Nevertheless, it is clear that individual households were not self-sufficient. Colonists obtained food and cloth from native peoples and from each other, and the regional exchange system circulated needed commodities. Some items were exchanged by barter, but social obligations such as tithing, tribute payments, and dowries, also ensured the movement of commodities.; The economic elites (governors and Franciscan clergy) used commodities gathered through social obligations, direct exchange within the colony, and production from their own households to generate exports for the mining industry in Parral, Mexico. Archaeological evidence also indicates that colonists were universally able to obtain imported commodities. The imperial trade system allowed the elites to import commodities that were important for maintaining the colonists' social identity. Governors and clergy, because they were not native to the colony and were highly educated, also acted as role models for the consumption of imported commodities and the production of a “Spanish” society.
机译:在殖民期间,由于个人与新的社会和环境条件互动,因此个人会更改法律,习俗和行为规范。在新墨西哥州早期殖民时期(公元1598-1680年),新墨西哥州的殖民者建立了一个一体化的经济体系,土著人民,定居者和方济会修道士生产的商品与远至中国的制造商品都可以交换。为此,积极地重新谈判了社会结构和价值,这些抽象和抽象是社会身份和社会地位,或者是具体的关于商品销售的法律。这项研究的重点是指导殖民经济的结构以及行为者如何对其进行改造。尽管考古学家和历史学家对新墨西哥州的早期殖民地进行了调查,但我们缺乏一个描述性框架,无法系统地描述家庭,区域和长途经济活动及其之间的联系。我的研究使用文本和考古数据,特别是古人类植物学证据,从圣塔菲的同时期沉积物20,000 a到17世纪的italitacia italic(牧场)和LA 54,000,同时也是圣达菲的同期沉积物,来构造这一古迹。所需的框架。这些数据与早期殖民时期的文献和其他来自17世纪超古遗址的考古信息相结合。考古和文献数据表明,世俗和方济各会的殖民者家庭都生产了许多相同的商品。然而,很明显,个别家庭并不自给自足。殖民者从土著人民和彼此之间获得了食物和衣服,区域交换系统流通了所需的商品。有些物品是用易货交换的,但是诸如什一税,进贡和嫁妆之类的社会义务也确保了商品的流通。经济精英(政府官员和方济各会神职人员)利用通过社会义务,殖民地内部的直接交换以及自己家庭的生产收集的商品为墨西哥帕拉尔的采矿业创造出口。考古证据还表明,殖民者普遍能够获得进口商品。帝国贸易制度允许精英们进口对维持殖民者的社会身份很重要的商品。州长和神职人员,因为他们不是该殖民地的原住民,而且受过良好的教育,因此他们也成为进口商品消费和“西班牙”社会生产的榜样。



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