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Stream geomorphology and classification in glacial-fluvial valleys of the North Cascade Mountain Range in Washington State.


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In the Pacific Northwest, A Classification of Natural Rivers developed by Dave Rosgen (1994) has been the focus of much debate concerning the question of bankfull relevance to channel shaping flow, classification and stream restoration. This study is important because hydrologists and restoration technicians alike need to know whether Rosgen's bankfull indicator-based classification system can systematically and consistently apply to both east and west slope streams of the North Cascade Mountain Range. If so, do bankfull indicators provide consistent relationships to drainage area and other stream dimensions? Can geomorphic stream classification be implemented with consistency and accuracy on both east and west side slopes within glacial-fluvial valleys? Because Rosgen's system depends on dimensions based on stable, reference reaches, it is critical that measurable attributes for assessment of stability be identified. To meet reference site conditions, these attributes must be reproducible and show consistent relationships to bankfull indicators. The research present here demonstrates that bankfull indicators and geomorphic stream dimensions can be applied with consistency for stream classification in glacial-fluvial valleys on both east and west slopes on the North Cascade Mountain Range. A tool for stream stability based on reference reach dimensions was developed and described.
机译:在西北太平洋地区,由戴夫·罗斯根(Dave Rosgen,1994)制定的《自然河流分类》一直是关于河床整形与河床整形,分类和河流恢复的充分相关性问题的众多争论的焦点。这项研究非常重要,因为水文学家和修复技术人员都需要了解罗斯根基于堤满指标的分类系统是否可以系统且一致地应用于北喀斯喀特山脉的东西坡。如果是这样,银行满指标是否提供与流域面积和其他河流尺寸的一致关系?冰川河流域内的东侧和西侧边坡能否一致且准确地实施地貌流分类?由于Rosgen的系统取决于基于稳定参考范围的尺寸,因此至关重要的是,要确定用于评估稳定性的可测量属性。为了满足参考站点的条件,这些属性必须是可重现的,并显示与bankfull指标的一致关系。本文目前的研究表明,在北喀斯喀特山脉东坡和西坡的冰川-河流河谷中,河床流量指标和地貌流尺寸可以一致地应用于流分类。开发并描述了一种基于参考范围尺寸的流稳定性工具。



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