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Relations between adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism, stress, and psychological adjustment.


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Theories of perfectionism as a maladaptive personality factor that predisposes perfectionistic individuals to greater vulnerability to stress and thus greater risk for psychological maladjustment have sparked substantial research interest, but findings from previous studies on the relationship between pathologically conceived perfectionism, stress, and maladjustment are inconsistent. In addition, all previous studies rely on self-report measures of stress, and no study has examined differences between adaptive and maladaptive perfectionists exposed to similar amounts of stress. In the present study, 307 college students provided saliva samples before and after exposure to a controlled stressor. Subsequent analyses revealed changes in the level of salivary cortisol, indicating the magnitude of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis reactivity or physiological response to stress. Participants also completed a series of questionnaires, including a measure used to identify adaptive, maladaptive, and nonperfectionists, the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (Slaney, Rice, Mobley, Trippi, & Ashby, 2001); a measure of the degree of recently experienced life stress, the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983); measures of both negative and positive psychological adjustment: the Beck Depression Inventory-II (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, 1983), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985); and a comprehensive measure of stress coping effectiveness, the Coping Resources Inventory for Stress (Matheny, Curlette, Aycock, Pugh, & Taylor, 1987). Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionists differed significantly from one another across the measures in expected directions. Adaptive perfectionists reported less stress, greater stress coping resources, less dysfunction, and greater life satisfaction than either maladaptive or nonperfectionists. Among male participants, maladaptive perfectionists demonstrated a significantly greater change in salivary cortisol levels before and after exposure to stress, indicating a larger physiological response to stress than adaptive perfectionists obtained. The present findings support the validity and utility of the adaptive perfectionism construct. A discussion of the results includes limitations and practical implications of the study as well as directions for future research.
机译:完美主义作为一种适应不良的人格因素的理论,使完美主义者更容易承受压力,因此有更大的心理失调风险,这引起了广泛的研究兴趣,但是先前关于病理学上的完美主义,压力和失调之间关系的研究结果却不一致。此外,所有以前的研究都依赖于自我报告压力的方法,并且没有研究检查适应性和适应不良的完美主义者在承受相似压力的情况下的差异。在本研究中,有307名大学生在暴露于受控压力源之前和之后提供了唾液样本。随后的分析揭示了唾液皮质醇水平的变化,表明下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴的反应性或对压力的生理反应。参与者还完成了一系列调查问卷,包括一种用于识别适应性,适应不良和非完美主义者的方法,即《近乎完美量表》(Slaney,Rice,Mobley,Trippi和&Ashby,2001年)。衡量最近经历的生活压力程度的方法,即感知压力量表(Cohen,Kamarck和&Mermelstein,1983年);负面和正面心理调节的量度:贝克抑郁量表-II(Beck,Steer,&Brown,1996),状态-特质焦虑量表(Spielberger,1983)和生活满意度量表(Diener,Emmons,Larsen) ,&Griffin,1985);和压力应对效果的综合度量,压力应对资源清单(Matheny,Curlette,Aycock,Pugh和Taylor),1987年。适应性和适应不良的完美主义者在各项措施之间在预期方向上存在显着差异。适应性完美主义者报告说,与适应不良或非完美主义者相比,压力减轻,压力应对资源增加,功能障碍减少和生活满意度更高。在男性参与者中,适应不良的完美主义者表现出在暴露于压力之前和之后唾液皮质醇水平的变化明显更大,这表明与获得的适应性完美主义者相比,生理上对压力的反应更大。本研究结果支持自适应完美主义建构的有效性和实用性。对结果的讨论包括研究的局限性和实际意义以及未来研究的方向。



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