首页> 外文学位 >Chemical and dynamical processes in the atmospheres of, I. Ancient and present-day earth, II. Jupiter and Galilean satellites, III. Extrasolar 'Hot Jupiters'.

Chemical and dynamical processes in the atmospheres of, I. Ancient and present-day earth, II. Jupiter and Galilean satellites, III. Extrasolar 'Hot Jupiters'.


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When exposed to stellar UV radiation, chemical processes will be governed not only by temperature/pressure but also the spectrum of the incoming dissociative photon flux; the system will approach kinetic, or photochemical, equilibrium, instead of thermochemical equilibrium. Over the previous decades, photochemistry has proven to be a powerful tool for predicting the chemical composition in the atmospheres of solar planets and their satellites. For example, the ozone layer in our own atmosphere (stratosphere) is a photochemical product of oxygen. In this thesis, I apply a photochemical model to the study of a variety of astronomical objects: the Earth, Jupiter, the Galilean satellite Callisto, and extrasolar "hot Jupiters" (HD 209458b). For the Earth, a method for utilizing the isotopic composition of CO2 and N2O to monitor global changes due to these two greenhouse gases is developed. For objects other than the Earth, the model facilitates in the interpretation of data acquired by remote (telescopic) and in situ (spacecraft) measurements. The ultimate goal is to understand the conditions of chemical and physical environments in protoplanetary nebulae, which will provide clues as to the formation of planetary systems; the synthesis of organic compounds which could lead to the appearance of life; and the evolution of planetary atmospheres such as the formation of Titan's nitrogen-rich atmosphere.
机译:当暴露在恒星紫外线辐射下时,化学过程将不仅受温度/压力的控制,而且受入射的离解光子通量的光谱的控制;系统将达到动力学或光化学平衡,而不是热化学平衡。在过去的几十年中,光化学已被证明是预测太阳行星及其卫星大气中化学成分的有力工具。例如,我们自己的大气(平流层)中的臭氧层是氧气的光化学产物。在本文中,我将光化学模型应用于各种天文物体的研究:地球,木星,伽利略卫星Callisto和太阳系外的“热木星”(HD 209458b)。对于地球,开发了一种利用CO2和N2O的同位素组成来监测由于这两种温室气体引起的全球变化的方法。对于除地球以外的物体,该模型有助于解释通过远程(望远镜)和原位(航天器)测量获得的数据。最终目的是了解原行星状星云中化学和物理环境的状况,这将为行星系统的形成提供线索;可能导致生命出现的有机化合物的合成;以及行星大气的演变,例如土卫六富含氮的大气的形成。



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