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A Study on English Writing in Senior High School Based on Error Analysis






Chapter One Introduction

1.1 The present situation of senior high school students' writing

1.2 English writing teaching in senior high school

1.2.1 Writing requirements in New English Curriculum Standards in Use for Full-time Senior High School

1.2.2 Writing section in National Matriculation English Test

1.3 Purpose of choosing this topic

Chapter Two Literature review

2.1 The Definition of error

2.2 Theory of Error Analysis

2.2.1 The definition of Error Analysis

2.2.2 The significance of Error Analysis

2.2.3 Status of Error Analysis in English writing teaching

2.2.4 The procedure of error analysis

2.3 Language transfer theory

2.4 Related studies

2.4.1 Research into Error Analysis abroad

2.4.2 Research into Error Analysis in China

2.4.3 Studies on related terms

Chapter Three Research design

3.1 Purpose

3.2 Subjects

3.3 Methods and instruments

3.3.1 Writing task

3.3.2 Questionnaire A

3.3.3 Questionnaire B

3.4 Research procedure

Chapter Four An analysis of errors made by the students

4.1 Summaries

4.1.1 A summary of data collection

4.1.2 Brief description of the findings from Questionnaire A

4.1.3 Brief description of the findings from Questionnaire B

4.2 Detailed analysis of the errors made by the students

4.2.1 Lexical errors

4.2.2 Grammatical errors

4.2.3 Discourse errors

4.3 A summary on the causes of errors made in the students' compositions

4.3.1 Language transfer

4.3.2 Limitations of students' thoughts and level

Chapter Five Suggestions on teaching writing

5.1 Reforming the curricula arrangement

5.2 Encouraging the students to read extensively and write more

5.2.1 Encouraging the students to read extensively

5.2.2 Encouraging the students to write more

5.3 Putting emphasis on the teaching of coherence

Chapter Six Conclusion






语言是最重要的交流土具,语言教学的最终目标就是培养学生的口语交际能力和书面表达能力。英文写作作为学生英语学习程度的实际反映,其重要性不仅体现在教学之中,也体现在现实的各种考试、求职、工作当中。写作在四种语言技能中是最难掌握的一项。在我国高中英语教学中,一方面教师教授的往往是孤立的词句,忽略甚至回避写作教学。另一方面,学生因为害怕犯错误而不敢、不愿写作文,致使绝大多数学生的英语写作能力得不到提高。因此,我们必须了解影响作文水平提高的各项因素,有针对性地提高学生的写作能力。而对学生作文中的错误进行系统分析则是其中一个重要而有效的方法。 通过运用错误分析理论和定性、定量分析方法,本文着意分析了高中学生写作中的错误,并对实际收集的 360 篇高中学生作文中的错误进行了统计,并且将其归类为词汇错误、语法错误和语篇错误。与此同时,本文分析了产生以上错误的原因并对这些问题的解决提出了可能的建议。最后,本文强调有必要通过课程设置,改革写作练习和培训作文衔接能力等以期把重点放在教授词汇,语法和语篇上。


  • 作者


  • 作者单位


  • 授予单位 沈阳师范大学;
  • 学科 学科教学(英语)
  • 授予学位 硕士
  • 导师姓名 张辉;
  • 年度 2007
  • 页码
  • 总页数
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 英文
  • 中图分类 G633.410.2;
  • 关键词

    高中教育; 英语教学; 语言技能;



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