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Functional analysis of thaumatin-like protein involved in fiber secondary cell wall synthesis through genetic transformation of cotton and tobacco






Chapter 1: Review of literature

1.1. Cotton fiber development

1.1.1 Fiber development mechanism

1.1.2 Approaches for the improvement of cotton fiber

1.2 Factors affecting cotton growth and development

1.2.1 Abiotic factors

1.2.2 Biotic factors

1.3 Thaumatin-like protein (TLP) gene: A member of PR family

1.3.1 Role of Pathogenesis-related proteins in plant defense

1.4 Functional study of a gene

1.4.1 Over-expression

1.4.2 RNA silencing

1.5 Genetic engineering of commercially important plants

1.5.1 Genetic engineering of tobacco

1.5.2 Genetic engineering of cotton

1.6 Mechanism of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation

1.6.1 Agrobacterium: 'Natural' genetic engineering

1.6.2 Binary vectors: two from one

1.6.3 Steps involved in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation

1.7 Aims, strategies and overview of the present study

1.7.1 Aims of the study

1.7.2 Approaches/strategies to accomplish the intended objectives

1.7.3 An overview of the present study

Chapter 2: Materials and methods

2.1. Study of GbTLP1 gene in tobacco

2.1.1 Vector construction

2.1.2 Transformation and growth of tobacco

2.1.3 DNA extraction, PCR and Southern blot analysis

2.1.4 RNA extraction, RT-PCR and Quantitative Realtime PCR analysis

2.1.5 Disease resistance evaluation

2.1.6 Salt and oxidative stress assay

2.1.7 Whole plant drought tolerance test

2.1.8 Bioinformatics studies of GbTLP-1 and other proteins of the same family

2.1.9 Statistical analysis

2.2 Study of GbTLP gene in cotton

2.2.1 Vector construction

2.2.2 Transformation and growth of transgenic cotton

2.2.3 DNA extraction and PCR for the selection of positive plants

2.2.4 Standard high volume instrumentation (HVI) measurements

2.2.5 Future plan of this study

Chapter 3: Results

3.1 Characteristic features of GbTLP1

3.2 Role of GbTLP1 in secondary cell wall deposition

3.3 Results obtained by the transformation of tobacco

3.3.1 Transformation and regeneration of transgenic tobacco plants

3.3.2 Integration and higher GbTLP1 expression in transgenic tobacco

3.3.3 Disease resistance in GbTLP1 transgenic plants

3.3.4 Role of GbTLP1 transgenic plants under salinity and oxidative stress

3.3.5 Enhanced tolerance of transgenic plants under drought stress

3.4 Results obtained by the genetic transformation of cotton

3.4.1 Transformation and regeneration of transgenic cotton plants

3.4.2 Selection of positive transgenic cotton plants

3.4.3 Standard high volume instrumentation (HVI) measurements of fiber properties

3.4.4 Expected results and conclusion

Chapter 4:Discussion

Chapter 5:Major findings and future recommendations

5.1 Major Findings

5.2 Future Recommendations


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   我们实验室已经从海岛棉纤维中分离了两个甜蛋白类似蛋白(GbTLP1和GbTLP2)cDNAs(Tu et al.,2007)。这两个cDNAs(GenBank DQ912960,DQ912961)蛋白序列具有97%的一致性。在本研究中,通过超表达技术(CaMV35S)将GbTLP1cDNA全长转化棉花和烟草验证了该基因的功能。GbTLP1 cDNA有966bp,ORF(open reading frame)735bp,编码244氨基酸。同时我们分别根据GbTLP1和GbTLP2序列构建了RNA干涉载体转化棉花。以下是本研究得到的主要研究结果:
   1.表达模式研究表明GbTLP1主要在棉花(Gossypium hirsutum和Gossypiumbarbadence)开花后20-25天纤维高峰度表达,在其他非纤维组织及纤维发育的其他时期表达量很低。这个结果表明该基因可能对细胞次生壁发育和增厚有着重要的作用。
   2.GbTtP1在细胞壁增厚过程中的作用可能预示其在抵抗真菌入侵方面有重要作用。因此本研究通过转基因烟草验证这个假设。转基因烟草通过Southern杂交验证后,进行了GbTLP1的表达分析(RT-PCR和qRT-PCR)。同时有目的基因插入但不表达的烟草植株作为阴性对照进行了后续研究。研究表明GbTLP1持续高表达的烟草对黄萎病菌Vertidllium dahliae有很强的抗性。这个结果暗示GbTLP1可以用于黄萎病的防治。
   3.GbTIP1的转基因烟草对枯萎病的抗性(Fusafium oxysporum)也有很大提高,并对其他非生物逆境如盐胁迫和干旱等的抗性也有所提高。其通过避免脂质的过氧化来提高抗旱能力。在转基因植物中Na+含量降低而K+含量增加,这可能是对盐胁迫抗性增加的因为。



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