首页> 中文学位 >非英语专业专科生英语写作元认知及培训的实证研究






论文说明:Table List


1. Introduction

1.1 The Need of the Study

1.2 Structure of the Study

2. Literature Review

2.1 The Definition of Metacognition

2.2 The Taxonomy of Metacognition

2.2.1 Definition and Classification of Metacognitive Strategies

2.2.2 Definition and Classification of Metacognitvie Knowledge

2.2.3 Metacognitive Knowledge and Metacognitive Strategies

2.3 Metacognitive Strategy Training

2.3.1 Different Approaches to Strategy Training

2.3.2 Studies of Metacognitive Strategy Training in EFL Writing

2.4 Metacognition in EFL Writing

2.4.1 Metacognitive Knowledge in EFL Writing

2.4.2 The Roles of Metacognitive Strategies in EFL Writing

2.4.3 Metacognitive Strategies in EFL Writing

3. Methodology

3.1 Research Questions

3.2 Subject Selection

3.3 Instruments

3.3.1 Open Questionnaire

3.3.2 Closed Questionnaire

3.3.3 Composition Test

3.4 Training Procedures

3.4.1 Developing Students' Metacognitive Awareness

3.4.2 Planning and Arranging Learning

3.4.3 Monitoring Learning Behaviors

3.4.4 Evaluating Writing Performance

3.5 Data Collection and Data Analysis

4. Results and Analysis

4.1 Quantitative Analysis

4.1.1 The First Question: The general situation of the samlpes' metacognitive proficiency in English writing?

4.1.2 The Second Question: Can metacognitive training have a positive effect on the writing proficiency of three-year non-English majors in China?

4.1.3 The Third Question: Does metacognitive training have equal impact on the metacognitive strategies in writing and the writing proficiency of students at different levels (successful learners, and unsuccessful learners)?

4.2 Qualitative Analysis

4.2.1 Person Knowledge

4.2.2 Task knowledge

4.2.3 Strategy Knowledge

4.2.4 Comparison of EG's Pre-training and Post-training Responses

5. Major Findings and Pedagogical Implications

5.1 The Major Findings of the Present Study

5.2 Pedagogical Implications of the Present Study

5.2.1 Explicit Instruction

5.2.2 Promoting Students' Metacognitive Awareness

5.2.3 The Role of Teachers

6. Conclusion

6.1 Conclusion Statement

6.2 Some Limitations of the Present Study and Further Suggestions



Published Articles




从1970年起,元认知就成了应用语言学领域的一个新术语。它包括元认知知识和元认知策略。元认知知识由元认知主体知识,策略知识和任务知识构成。元认知策略是高层的控制策略,包括有意识的计划,监控和评价。元认知理论的提出有着重大意义。90年代以来越来越多的外语研究者开始认识到学习策略对外语学习的重要性,并运用相关理论指导教学和研究,但总的来说对元认知的研究比较薄弱,有关元认知策略与外语学习,特别是将元认知运用到写作的试验却比较缺乏。作为一种语言输出技能,写作需要的不仅是语言能力,而且还需要学习策略。所以本文尝试进行一次将元认知运用到英语写作中的实证性研究。 本研究围绕三个问题展开:1)被试的英语写作元认知策略的总体情况如何?元认知知识的情况如何?2)元认知培训能否提高学生的英语写作水平?3)元认知写作策略的培训对高分组和低分组是否有相同的影响?为回答以上三个问题,武汉科技大学城市学院非英语专业大二专科的117名同学参加了本研究。研究者对这117名学生在实验前后都进行了写作元认知策略的闭卷式问卷调查,同时对培训班实验前后进行了写作元认知知识的开放式问卷调查。并对实验班和控制班进行了实验前后两次写作测试。然后对实验数据进行了定量分析和定性分析。 本研究的主要发现有:1)被试的总体写作元认识水平(元认知策略使用情况和元认知知识)比较低;2)实验组与控制组在写作元认知策略和写作水平的前测比较没有差异,而这两方面的后测比较都有很大的显著性差异;实验组本身前后测两个方面的比较也都存在着显著性差异,而控制组本身前后测两方面的的比较没有差异;3)实验组的高分组和低分组实验前后在写作元认知策略调查上都无明显差异,然而实验前后在写作水平上都有很大的显著性差异。



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