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Numerical analysis for relief gratings working in the soft xray and XUV region by the integral equation method


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Abstract: Differential formalism gives a rapid convergence of accurate results even under conditions of propagation of several hundred spectral orders and grazing angles of incidence for the gratings with low groove-depth-to-groove-spacing ratio (h/d $VLS 1) which are typical for this wavelength region. In the same way it was found that the rigorous results on the region of low $delta@/d ratios under the short time of computation may also be done through the modified integral method. By way of the programs created on the base of integral equations, the results done through the differential method were repeated and a good coincidence with them was found. These data allow us to speak about the equivalence of both methods - integral and differential - and about the convergence of algorithms. !7
机译:摘要:对于具有低凹槽深度与凹槽间距比(h / d $ VLS 1)的光栅,即使在几百个光谱级的传播和入射掠角的条件下,微分形式形式也可以快速收敛精确结果。对于该波长区域是典型的。以同样的方式发现,在短时间的计算下,在低$ delta / d比区域上的严格结果也可以通过改进的积分方法来完成。通过基于积分方程创建的程序,重复了通过微分方法完成的结果,并发现了与它们的良​​好一致性。这些数据使我们可以谈论积分和微分这两种方法的等效性以及算法的收敛性。 !7



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