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Stability Analysis of a Prey-predator Model with Holling Type II Response Function Incorporating Harvesting Rate

机译:具有Holling II类反应函数并带有收获率的捕食者模型的稳定性分析



In this paper, a prey-predator system which has two competing predators and one prey was considered. Both competitors exhibit Holling II functional response and one of the competitors exhibits a density-dependent mortality rate. In the absence of predators, the prey obeys the logistic growth incorporating a harvesting rate. The purpose of the work is to offer mathematical analysis of the model and to discuss some significant qualitative results.
机译:本文考虑具有两个竞争性捕食者和一个猎物的猎物-捕食者系统。两个竞争者都表现出Holling II功能反应,而竞争者之一表现出密度依赖性死亡率。在没有捕食者的情况下,猎物服从包括收获率在内的逻辑增长。这项工作的目的是提供模型的数学分析并讨论一些重要的定性结果。



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