
MPI vs. BitTorrent: Switching between Large-Message Broadcast Algorithms in the Presence of Bottleneck Links




Collective communication in high-performance computing is traditionally implemented as a sequence of point-to-point communication operations. For example, in MPI a broadcast is often implemented using a linear or binomial tree algorithm. These algorithms axe inherently unaware of any underlying network heterogeneity. Integrating topology awareness into the algorithms is the traditional way to address this heterogeneity, and it has been demonstrated to greatly optimize tree-based collectives. However, recent research in distributed computing shows that in highly heterogeneous networks an alternative class of collective algorithms - BitTorrent-based multicasts - has the potential to outperform topology-aware tree-based collective algorithms. In this work, we experimentally compare the performance of BitTorrent and tree-based large-message broadcast algorithms in a typical heterogeneous computational cluster. We address the following question: Can the dynamic data exchange in BitTorrent be faster than the static data distribution via trees even in the context of high-performance computing? We find that both classes of algorithms have a justification of use for different settings. While on single switch clusters linear tree algorithms are optimal, once multiple switches and a bottleneck link are introduced, BitTorrent broadcasts - which utilize the network in a more adaptive way - outperform the tree-based MPI implementations.


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