首页> 外文会议>UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems pt.1 >EPIC-XMM-Newton Observations of two nearby Galaxy Clusters

EPIC-XMM-Newton Observations of two nearby Galaxy Clusters


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The XMM-Newton observatory, with its high throughput in combination with the EPIC CCD-cameras, is an ideal instrument to study extended sources like clusters of galaxies. Very deep observations of galaxy clusters reveal substructure on different levels: structure associated with bright galaxies, faint galaxies, or structure consistent with the merger of groups with the main cluster. Another indication of substructure is the deviation of the temperature of the intra-cluster gas from isothermality. We present XMM-Newton mosaic observations of the nearby clusters A3667 and A754. These clusters are good representatives of the different evolution stages that all clusters experience as they grow from mergers of smaller groups. Hence they show merging at different phases, which is also reflected in the different appearance of their temperature maps, pressure maps and entropy maps.
机译:XMM牛顿天文台具有高通量,结合EPIC CCD相机,是研究扩展源(如星系团)的理想工具。对星系团的非常深入的观察揭示了不同层次的子结构:与明亮星系,微弱星系相关的结构,或与各组与主星团合并相一致的结构。子结构的另一个指示是簇内气体温度与等温度的偏差。我们介绍了附近的星团A3667和A754的XMM-牛顿镶嵌观测。这些集群很好地代表了各个集群从较小的集团合并而来时经历的不同演化阶段。因此,它们显示出处于不同阶段的合并,这也反映在其温度图,压力图和熵图的不同外观中。



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