
The New Edducator and Trainer




The workplace is undergoing change at an accelerating rate. One of the most far-reaching changes is the evolution of the organization into a form fundamentally different fro mthat which dominated industry during the 1950's and 1960's. The corporate hierarchy, once stble and slow moving, wiht the "thinkers" at the top of the pyramid and the "do-ers" at the base, is poorly suited ot the fast-moving, competitive environemt of todat. Instead, corporations are opting for a flat, flexible organization, characterized by decentralized decision making. oganizations are struggling to compete and, in the process, putting a premium on speed and efficiency. Whereas the model for the traditional organization was the army, with its rigid cohesive structure and clear chains of command, the new organization often structures itself as a loosely knit ocnfedertin of entrepreneurial units and relies on teams to create value and profit. Compted to the corporate hierarchy of past decades, the entrepreneurial orgaizatio is distinguished y more ambiguity, fewer boundaries, and more rapid communication between the company and its employees, suppliers, and customers.



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