
Existing and Alternate Vehicle Air Conditioning (A/C) Systems

机译:现有和备用车辆空调(A / C)系统

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It is technically and economically feasible to substantially reduce global emissions from vehicle air conditioning (A/C) with existing or new refrigerants, but intelligent choices must be made to maximise the benefit to climate and provide occupant comfort and safety. Air conditioning has an environmental impact because HFC-134a refrigerant is a potent greenhouse gas and because A/C requires fuel use and its associated emissions. Emissions from the existing and future fleet of HFC-134a air-conditioned vehicles can be dramatically reduced with the use of quality components. Refrigerant management can further reduce emissions by not recharging without repairing leaking systems, recovery and recycle at service and vehicle disposal, and by prohibiting small disposable cans that encourage car owners to recharge their own systems without repair. Furthermore, energy-efficient vehicle air conditioning and heating are vital to the successful commercialisation and customer acceptance of electric, fuel cell, hybrid, and other high-efficiency vehicles. Heat pump technology may become an option for vehicles with high-efficiency internal combustion engines that reject too little energy to warm vehicle interiors in cold climates.
机译:使用现有或新的制冷剂来大幅减少车辆空调(A / C)的全球排放在技术上和经济上都是可行的,但是必须做出明智的选择,以最大程度地提高气候效益并提供乘员舒适性和安全性。空调会对环境造成影响,因为HFC-134a制冷剂是一种有力的温室气体,并且因为A / C需要使用燃料及其相关的排放物。通过使用优质组件,可以显着减少HFC-134a空调车辆的现有和未来机队的排放。制冷剂管理可以通过不修理渗漏系统而不进行充电,在维修和处置车辆时进行回收和循环利用以及禁止小型一次性罐头来鼓励车主为自己的系统充电而无需修理,从而进一步减少排放。此外,高能效的汽车空调和供暖对于电动,燃料电池,混合动力和其他高效率汽车的成功商业化和客户接受至关重要。对于具有高效内燃发动机的车辆而言,热泵技术可能成为一种选择,这种内燃发动机在寒冷的气候下排放的能量太少而无法温暖车内。



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