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A Non-prenex, Non-clausal QBF Solver with Game-State Learning


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We describe a DPLL-based solver for the problem of quan tified boolean formulas (QBF) in non-prenex, non-CNF form. We make two contributions. First, we reformulate clause/cube learning, extending it to non-prenex instances. We call the resulting technique game-state learning. Second, we introduce a propagation technique using ghost literals that exploits the structure of a non-CNF instance in a manner that is symmetric between the universal and existential variables. Experimental results on the QBFLIB benchmarks indicate our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art solvers on certain benchmark families, including the tipf ixpoint and tipdiam families of model checking problems.
机译:我们描述了一种基于DPLL的求解器,用于解决非前置,非CNF形式的量化布尔公式(QBF)的问题。我们做出两个贡献。首先,我们重新制定子句/多维数据集学习,将其扩展到非prenex实例。我们称这种技术为游戏状态学习。其次,我们介绍一种使用幻影文字的传播技术,该技术以通用变量和存在变量之间对称的方式利用非CNF实例的结构。 QBFLIB基准上的实验结果表明,我们的方法在某些基准系列上优于其他最新的求解器,包括模型检查问题的tipf ixpoint和tipdiam系列。



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