首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2018 annual meeting >Fitting Motivation to Fitts’ Law : Effect of a Penalty Contingency on Controlled Movement

Fitting Motivation to Fitts’ Law : Effect of a Penalty Contingency on Controlled Movement




An experiment examined the effect of a penalty on performance of target acquisition movements, focusingon overall movement time, the fit of the data to Fitts’ Law, and ballistic and homing submovements. Fitts’Law, MT = a + b[Index of Difficulty], where Index of Difficulty (ID) = log2[Movement distance/target size],focuses on the control of the movement by external stimuli, rather than the consequences of a movement. Inthis study, participants moved a cursor on a computer screen from a starting point to a target with movementdistance and target size varying systematically. In the Penalty condition, when the movement missed thetarget, the computer screen went blank and the next trial was delayed for 30 seconds. In the Nonpenaltycondition, participants did not receive a penalty for missing the target. The results showed that receiving apenalty led to higher movement times, a higher Fitts’ Law slope parameter, fewer errors, and fewer nonerrorovershoots of the target. Also, receiving penalties resulted in target acquisition movements with less timespent in the ballistic submovement. The results show that consequences of a movement control movementbehavior.
机译:一个实验研究了惩罚对目标获取运动性能的影响,重点是 在整体移动时间上,数据是否符合Fitts的定律,以及弹道和归位子移动。菲茨’ 律,MT = a + b [难度系数],其中难度系数(ID)= log2 [运动距离/目标大小], 侧重于通过外部刺激来控制运动,而不是运动的后果。在 在这项研究中,参与者通过移动将计算机屏幕上的光标从起点移动到目标 距离和目标大小会系统地变化。在罚球状态下,当运动错过了 目标,计算机屏幕变黑,下次试用被延迟30秒。在非刑罚中 条件下,参与者未因错过目标而受到惩罚。结果显示,收到一个 罚则导致移动时间增加,Fitts律定律斜率参数增加,错误减少以及非错误减少 目标的超调。此外,收到处罚会导致目标获取移动的时间更少 花在弹道子弹上。结果表明,运动控制运动的后果 行为。



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