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Evolutionary learning communities: An initial definition


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Individual and collective learning is a process with powerful potential for societal transformation. We push the limits of our bio-sociosphere and face the challenge of transforming our way of being thinking, doing, and living. There is a big gap between technoloicl and socio-cultural intelligence. We have been able to respond to the "know-how" questions that created new technologies for growth nad progress, but have failed in responding to the "know-why" questions that lead to the comprehension of decisions that foster evolutionary development. THis paper explores the meanign that emerges from organized groups of people committed not only to doing things right, but to doing the right things in the context of their daily community interaction space. The groups considered are guided by their consciusness of interdependencies among humans and the rest of the natural and socially constructed world and their patterns of change. These communities, herein referred to as Evolutionary Learning communities, are human activity systems that striveto create susvtainable pathways for evollutionary development in synergistic interaction with their miluieu through individual nad collective processes of empowerment and learning how to learn. This ideal kind of community oculd serve as a model toward which all types of human communities could strive as a means to the fulfillment of their aspirations and as process through which to contribute to the conscious evolution of humanity and planet Earth.



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