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The union of opposites: north and south, east and west, korea and america


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This article is na attempt ot incorporate taoist wisdom into contemporary process theory, nad clinical and social philosophy. It highlights the coexistence of harmony and conflict, and the priority of idfferentiation over synthesis. While learning from eastern philosophy to seek personal and social tao, it also features action, ethical ocmmitment, and co-creation, life nad vulture emerge from the intercurse of opposites. Opposites are complementary, and complementaries are opposite, both synergic and antagonistic. Ditinct opposites constitute the minimum of diversity necessary for creativity. The universe is interconnected, but it expands in extension and in diversity. The unity of opposites is primary, but evolution resutls from the differentation of opposites. Bifurcation and differentiation have objective and logical priority over dialectic syntheiss. THe current economic and cultural globalization imporverishes life insofar as it suppresses diversity. As corporations replace empiresas international powers, it is desirable to separate the economy and the state from each other. History is a co-creative process. It is not determined by nature or economic law.



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