首页> 外文会议>System Dynamics Society International Conference; 20060723-27; Nijmegen(NL) >HIGH POINT OR HOBGOBLIN? CONSISTENCY AND PERFORMANCE IN ORGANIZATIONS



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"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day." Ralph Waldo Emerson - Self-Reliance (1841), italics added. Max Weber (1922/1946) championed bureaucratic practices as a rationalizing force that increases organizational success by improving accountability, reliability, speed, and efficiency. In direct response to Weber's "classical analysis of bureaucracy", Robert Merton (1940) called for a "transition to the study of the negative aspects of bureaucracy" prevalent in popular accounts and scholarly discussion. These authors noted that by emphasizing rules and rule following, bureaucracies stifle organizational adaptation across periods of fundamental environmental change. This concern about organizational inertia, which the last sentence of Emerson's quote above captures, has attracted empirical attention exploring whether organizations adapt when their environment changes and whether organizations benefit from or suffer as a result of discrete adaptation in their central features. Failure to change, however, was not these authors' only or even necessarily their primary concern about bureaucracies. Bureaucracies, they argued, do change but in ways that are not helpful. Bureaucracies drift toward excessive adherence to rules that are inadequate as responses to client needs (the "little minds" of the first sentence of Emerson's quote). Consistency, defined as close adherence over time to a set of simple rules for conducting business, rises over time but, as a direct result, responsiveness to cross-sectional variations and longitudinal fluctuations in client and organizational demands falls. While examples of unresponsive bureaucracies are widespread and the concern about a tradeoff between rising consistency and falling responsiveness has informed discussions about organizational design, the argument for organizational drift and tradeoffs has received little critical attention. This paper explores whether organizations become more consistent over time and, if so, when, for what rules, and whether it helps or harms them.
机译:“愚蠢的一致性是被小政治家,哲学家和神圣的人所崇拜的小脑袋的妖怪。保持一致性,一个伟大的灵魂简直是无所事事。他可能还不关心自己在墙上的影子。刻板的话和明天会再次用刻板的话说明天的想法,尽管这与您今天所说的每一句话都矛盾。”拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)-自力更生(1841),用斜体字添加。马克斯·韦伯(1922/1946)倡导官僚作风,将之作为一种合理化的力量,通过改善问责制,可靠性,速度和效率来提高组织的成功率。罗伯特·默顿(Robert Merton(1940))对韦伯的“官僚主义的经典分析”做出了直接回应,他呼吁“流行到官僚主义的消极方面的研究”,这种说法普遍存在于人们的讨论和学术讨论中。这些作者指出,官僚机构通过强调规则和规则的遵循,扼杀了跨过根本环境变化时期的组织适应。对组织惯性的关注(以上艾默生的引文中的最后一句话抓住了这一点)引起了经验的关注,探讨组织在环境变化时是否适应,以及组织是否受益于中心特征的离散适应或遭受损害。然而,不改变并不仅仅是这些作者对官僚机构的主要关注,甚至不一定是他们的主要关注。他们认为,官僚机构确实在改变,但方式无济于事。官僚机构倾向于过度遵守无法满足客户需求的规则(爱默生引述第一句话的“小头脑”)。一致性(定义为随着时间的流逝而严格遵循一系列用于开展业务的简单规则)随着时间的推移而提高,但直接的结果是,对横截面变化以及客户和组织需求的纵向波动的响应能力下降。尽管没有反应的官僚机构的例子很普遍,并且对一致性不断提高和响应能力下降之间的折衷的关注已为组织设计的讨论提供了信息,但有关组织漂移和折衷的论点却很少受到关注。本文探讨了组织是否随着时间的推移变得更加一致,如果是这样,那么何时,什么规则,是否对他们有利或不利。



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