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Science and technology disclosure in the state of Queretaro, Science and Technology for Children (Ciencia y Tecnologia para Ninos - CTN) program

机译:克雷塔罗州的科学技术公开,儿童科学技术(Ciencia y Tecnologia para Ninos-CTN)计划



Science and technology disclosure is an integral part of our scientific work as researches; it is an induction process for children, young people and teachers of primary and secondary schools in the state of Queretaro. Education must be offered in a clear and objective way, it allows to the students apply the acquired knowledge to understand the world and improve his quality of life. Nowadays, the Centro de Investigation en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada of the Instituto Politecnico Nacional Unidad Queretaro (CICATA-IPN Queretaro) together with the Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnologia del Estado de Queretaro (CONCYTEQ) have implemented the 'Science and Technology for Children' program (Ciencia y Tecnologia para Ninos - CTN), it allows to the educative sector obtain information through the CONCYTEQ web page. The fist stage of the program was the development of two subjects: the brochure titled 'Petroleum, Non-renewable Natural Resource that Moves the World' and the manual 'Experiments of Physics'. At the moment we are working with the second stage of the program, it is about the energy generation using renewable sources such as: geothermal, aeolian, solar and biomass. The CTN program allows to students and teachers to create conscience about the importance of the development of the science of technology in our country.
机译:科学技术公开是我们科研工作不可或缺的一部分。这是克雷塔罗州的儿童,年轻人和中小学教师的入门过程。必须以清晰客观的方式提供教育,使学生能够利用所学到的知识来了解世界并改善生活质量。如今,国立克利塔罗州立理工大学的Cencia Aplicada y Tecnologia Avanzada中心与Cénéciade Ciencia y Tecnologia del Estado de Queretaro(CONCYTEQ)一起为“儿童科学”计划实施了“科学技术”程序(Ciencia y Tecnologia para Ninos-CTN),它允许教育部门通过CONCYTEQ网页获得信息。该计划的第一阶段是两个主题的发展:名为“石油,移动世界的不可再生自然资源”的小册子和“物理实验”手册。目前,我们正在该程序的第二阶段,它涉及使用可再生能源(例如地热,风能,太阳能和生物质)进行发电。 CTN计划允许学生和老师就我国科技发展的重要性建立良知。



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