首页> 外文会议>Stereoscopic displays and applications XXII >Adapting stereoscopic movies to the viewing conditions using depth-preserving and artifact-free novel view synthesis

Adapting stereoscopic movies to the viewing conditions using depth-preserving and artifact-free novel view synthesis


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The 3D shape perceived from viewing a stereoscopic movie depends on the viewing conditions, most notably on the screen size and distance, and depth and size distortions appear because of the differences between the shooting and viewing geometries. When the shooting geometry is constrained, or when the same stereoscopic movie must be displayed with different viewing geometries (e.g. in a movie theater and on a 3DTV), these depth distortions may be reduced by novel view synthesis techniques. They usually involve three steps: computing the stereo disparity, computing a disparity-dependent 2D mapping from the original stereo pair to the synthesized views, and finally composing the synthesized views. In this paper, we focus on the second and third step: we examine how to generate new views so that the perceived depth is similar to the original scene depth, and we propose a method to detect and reduce artifacts in the third and last step, these artifacts being created by errors contained in the disparity from the first step.



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