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Quantitative optical imaging of paracetamol-induced metabolism changes in the liver


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Paracetamol is the most readily available and widely used painkiller. However, its toxicity remains the most common cause of liver injury. The toxicity of paracetamol has been attributing to its toxic metabolite, which depletes cellular glutathione (GSH) stores and reacts within cells to increase oxidative stress, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and cell necrosis. Multiphoton microscopy (MPM) and fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) can provide quantitative imaging of biological tissues and organs in vivo and allow direct visualization of cellular events, which were used to monitor cellular metabolism in paracetamol-induced toxicity in this study. To better understand mechanisms of paracetamol induced liver injury, the redox ratio of NADH/FAD in liver cells were detected and quantified by MPM imaging to represent the relative rates of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation within cells. Compared to normal liver, average fluorescence lifetime of NADH and redox ratio of NADH/FAD in hepatocytes was significantly decreased after paracetamol overdose for 12 and 24 hrs, reflecting impaired metabolic activity. GSH levels of treatment groups were significantly lower than those of normal livers, with gradually decreasing from periportal to centrilobular zonation. This imaging technique has significant implications for investigating metabolic mechanisms of paracetamol toxicity.
机译:扑热息痛是最容易获得和广泛使用的止痛药。但是,其毒性仍然是肝损伤的最常见原因。扑热息痛的毒性一直归因于其毒性代谢产物,该代谢产物耗尽了细胞内谷胱甘肽(GSH)的储存并在细胞内发生反应以增加氧化应激,从而导致线粒体功能障碍和细胞坏死。多光子显微镜(MPM)和荧光寿命成像(FLIM)可以提供体内生物组织和器官的定量成像,并可以直接可视化细胞事件,该事件在本研究中用于监测扑热息痛诱导的毒性中的细胞代谢。为了更好地了解扑热息痛诱发的肝损伤机制,通过MPM成像检测并定量了肝细胞中NADH / FAD的氧化还原比,以代表细胞内糖酵解和氧化磷酸化的相对速率。与正常肝脏相比,对乙酰氨基酚过量服用12和24小时后,肝细胞中NADH的平均荧光寿命和NADH / FAD的氧化还原比显着降低,这反映了代谢活性受损。治疗组的谷胱甘肽水平显着低于正常肝脏,从门静脉周围逐渐降低到小叶中心带。该成像技术对研究扑热息痛毒性的代谢机制具有重要意义。



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