
Taking Health to Remote Host Communities : Our RiverBoat Clinic Experience


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Taking Health to remote Host Communities: Our RiverBoatrnClinic experience.rnArising from a desire to positively impact the lives of peoplernin its areas of operation, Chevron Nigeria, on behalf of thernNNPC/Chevron Joint Venture, in 1992 built andrncommissioned a model 18-bedded community health facility -rnthe Ugborodo Community Cottage Hospital for its hostrncommunities in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria1. Thisrnhospital which served about seven villages with an estimatedrntotal population of 60,000, located round Chevron’s EscravosrnTank Farm, provided emergency and primary health care freernof charge, and was in fact the only health facility available andrnaccessible to the host communities. This hospital was burntrndown during one of the inter-ethnic communal crises in Mayrn1999, and plans for its rebuilding have advanced. Continuedrnprovision of healthcare services to these communities becamerna major challenge. In January 2001, Chevron built andrncommissioned a riverboat ambulance, which has become ofrnimmense value in providing healthcare to these communitiesrnin the difficult mangrove terrain of the company’s area ofrnoperation.rnThis mobile health facility runs regular scheduled visits to thernvarious communities and is able to cover a wide area. It is wellrnaccepted and highly valued by the host communities.rnIt is run in partnership with the Delta State Government ofrnNigeria and the relevant local government authorities;rnbenefiting communities are encouraged to play active roles inrnthis program.rnA memorandum of understanding was signed betweenrnChevron, the State government and representatives of hostrncommunities to define scope of the service and assign roles tornthe key players.rnThis paper will discuss the mode of operation of the riverboatrnclinic, the scope of its services, community perception andrnparticipation, opportunities it has provided for partnering withrngovernment and host communities as well as the commonrnmedical problems encountered with other relevant data.
机译:将健康带到偏远的寄宿社区:我们的RiverBoatrnClinic体验。出于对自己经营地区人民的生活产生积极影响的愿望,雪佛龙尼日利亚公司代表NNPC /雪佛龙合资企业于1992年建造并委托了18个床位的社区健康示范设施-Ugborodo社区平房医院在尼日利亚尼日尔三角洲地区的寄宿社区1。这家医院服务于雪佛龙EscravosrnTank农场周围约7个村庄,估计总人口为60,000,提供急诊和初级医疗免费服务,实际上是东道国社区唯一可用的医疗设施。在1999年5月的一次族裔间社区危机中,这家医院被烧毁,其重建计划已经提出。向这些社区持续提供医疗服务成为主要挑战。 2001年1月,雪佛龙公司建造并委托了一辆河船救护车,这对于在公司手术区域的红树林地区为这些社区提供医疗服务具有巨大的价值。该移动医疗设施定期对各种社区进行定期探访,并且能够覆盖众多社区区域。它是由东道国社区接受和高度重视的。rn它与尼日利亚的三角洲州政府和相关的地方政府部门合作运行;鼓励受益的社区在该计划中发挥积极作用。rn雪佛龙州之间签署了谅解备忘录政府和托管社区的代表来定义服务范围并为主要参与者分配角色。本文将讨论河船诊所的运营模式,服务范围,社区感知和参与,为与政府和托管社区合作提供的机会以及其他相关数据遇到的常见医学问题。



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