
Mangrove Restoration by an Operating Company in the Niger Delta


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Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL) has embarked on a largescalernmangrove protection and restoration initiative in itsrnoperations in the Niger Delta mangrove swamps in Nigeria.rnSeveral restoration techniques are applied – naturalrnrecolonization, transplanting from local forests and plantingrncollected propagules and seeds. Developing restorationrnprotocols or procedures and testing these protocols on pilotrnscale precedes each technique. Establishing these restorationrnprotocols assures success when applying these to large-scalernrestoration. The establishment of restoration procedures forrnfour species of mangrove (Rhizophora racemosa, Rhizophorarnmangle, Laguncularia racemosa and Avicenia germinans)rnstarted in July 1998 and was completed in April 2001. CNL isrnproceeding to carry out mangrove restoration starting in 2001.rnAbout 73 Ha is targeted. This involves applying hydrologicrnrestoration followed by natural recolonization techniques inrnabout 66 Ha, transplanting about 4 Ha of salvaged mangrovernseedlings (30 – 60 cm) and salvaged saplings (1 m and 2 m)rnfrom a proposed development site and planting another 4 Harnby collecting seeds and propagules. Sites are identified usingrnhyperspectral imageries acquired over CNL’s onshore acreage,rnand targeted sites are along Abiteye – Escravos pipeline Rightof-rnWay (ROW), Dibi and Olero Creek field, among others inrnCNL’s Oil Mining Lease (OML) -49.rnThe services of ChevronTexaco Energy Research andrnTechnology Company (ERTC), Lewis Environmental Servicesrn(LES) and Environmental Resources Manager Limitedrn(ERML) are employed to establish the procedures and carryrnout the program. The program collaborates with Nigerian NonrnGovernmental Organizations, including the NigerianrnConservation Foundation (NCF), and the NigerianrnEnvironmental Society (NES). Local community membersrnare involved in the program and given some ownership.rnDirect and indirect protection of mangrove resources is alsorncarried out at one development site by the establishment of arnbuffer strip of mangrove along the riverbank to replace thernutilization of bulkheads to control erosion.rnThis paper discusses the procedures established and thernlarge-scale restoration program embarked upon.
机译:雪佛龙尼日利亚有限公司(CNL)在尼日利亚的尼日尔三角洲红树林沼泽地区开展了大规模的红树林保护和恢复计划。在每种技术之前,都要制定恢复协议或程序并在中试规模上测试这些协议。建立这些恢复协议可确保将这些协议应用于大规模恢复。 1998年7月开始建立针对红树林的四个物种的恢复程序(Rhizophora racemosa,Rhizophorarnmangle,Laguncularia racemosa和Avicenia萌芽菌),并于2001年4月完成。CNL着手于2001年开始进行红树林的恢复。目标是约73 Ha。这包括应用水文修复,然后进行约66公顷的自然重新定殖技术,从拟议的开发地点移植约4公顷的打捞红树林幼苗(30 – 60 cm)和打捞的树苗(1 m和2 m),并种植另外4棵Harnby收集种子和繁殖体。使用从CNL的陆上土地上获得的高光谱图像识别站点,并在Abiteye – Escravos管道的Right-rnWay(ROW),Dibi和Olero Creek油田沿线找到目标站点,以及innCNL的石油开采租赁(OML)-49.rn雪佛龙德士古能源服务研究技术公司(ERTC),刘易斯环境服务公司(LES)和环境资源经理有限公司(ERML)被用来建立程序并执行该程序。该计划与包括尼日利亚环境保护基金会(NCF)和尼日利亚环境协会(NES)在内的尼日利亚非政府组织合作。当地社区成员参与了该计划并获得了一定所有权。在一个开发地点还通过在河岸沿岸建立红树林arnbuffer条带来代替对舱壁的利用来控制侵蚀,从而对红树林资源进行直接和间接保护。建立程序并启动大型恢复程序。



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