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SISTERS: a space interferometer for the search for terrestrial exo-planets by rotation shearing


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Abstract: A concept for a space-based interferometer dedicated to the detection of extrasolar earth-like planets is presented. Detection is done in the near infrared (10 $mu@m) where the expected star to planet flux ratio is down to 10$+6$/ compared to 10$+10$/ in the visible. The longer wavelength also makes is easier to avoid light scatter due to optics micro-roughness. Parent star cancellation is obtained with a rotation shearing interferometer working at its null on axis. The interferometer is of the Fizeau configuration with an aperture composed of twelve 1.2 meter mirrors on a 20 meter ring. This size, which corresponds to a resolving power of 0.05 arcsecond, allows for the investigation of about 30 candidate stars. The interferometer is supported by a chemically rigidized structure deployed by inflation. All optical elements are passively cooled to about 70 degrees Kelvin to reduce the instrumental infrared background. The spacecraft is located at the second Lagrangian point of the earth-sun system in order to minimize attitude control and baffling requirements.!20
机译:摘要:提出了一种专用于探测太阳系外行星的天基干涉仪的概念。探测是在近红外(10 µm @ m)进行的,其中预期的恒星与行星通量之比降至10 $ + 6 $ /,而可见光则为10 $ + 10 $ /。更长的波长还使得更容易避免由于光学器件的微粗糙度而引起的光散射。母星抵消是通过在其零轴上工作的旋转剪切干涉仪获得的。干涉仪为菲索(Fizeau)配置,其孔径由20米环上的十二个1.2米反射镜组成。这个大小对应于0.05弧秒的分辨力,可以研究大约30个候选恒星。干涉仪由通过充气展开的化学刚性结构支撑。所有光学元件都被被动冷却到大约70开氏度,以减少仪器的红外背景。该航天器位于地球-太阳系的第二个拉格朗日点,以最小化姿态控制和令人困惑的要求。20


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